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It was a veritable mountain of food.

Roast chicken, dumplings, onion rings... 

He could smell the seasonings... almost taste the flakey breaded crust of the chicken. A light haze of cooking oil saturated the air around the table. It was intoxicating.

Bewildered by the sight, Jackson stumbled, tripping over his left foot. Panicked by his sudden loss of balance he separated his legs as far as he could. With all his effort he regained control of his momentum and came to a halt.

His mouth was agape, and drool began to pour down his many chins. Jackson's stomach roared to life at the sight of the feast, gurgling angrily. His self control was so weak that even just meters away from the exit, he couldn't bring himself to turn away. He had been trained well, and at an instant was ready to indulge in any meal placed before him. 

Gasping and still out of breath from his short walk, Jackson turned toward Finley for an explanation.

‘(Huff… huff…) Finley, what... what.. is this?’

‘What do you mean?’ Finley replied. ‘This is your victory feast... I know you haven't technically won yet, but I figured I would prepare everything early. Take a bite while it's still hot.’

‘Maybe... maybe... just for a quick second... to settle my stomach.’ 

Jackson reached for the nearest plate, a saucer piled high with the most perfect golden brown donuts. He took a bite, the crispy dough crumbled revealing a fluffy white center. The taste was amazing. He grabbed another. And another. The creamy frosting center sent jolts through his body. His mind went blank. And as if acting on instinct, he shoved handfuls of donuts into his mouth.

‘Like a pig,’ chimed in Finley. ‘You were so close to winning my little wager. But it looks like I've trained you well. Dig in, you have only 10 minutes left to finish your race. If you can drag yourself away from this table, that is. And, well, judging from the blank expression of yours, I doubt that will happen.’ 

Jackson couldn't hear him. His mind was fully given over to gluttony. Delicious, he thought. Everything's so amazing. 






Nice touch having the table legs bowing from the weight of the food! That ass tho👀


So much cake!!!