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Happy New Year, everyone!

I hope you guys were able to have some semblance of an enjoyable holiday period. As you may know, here in London, UK things are pretty grim with the virus right now, so we've gone back into lockdown. This means I have to work from home again with a different set-up, but it shouldn't affect my workflow too much - just letting you know there may be some minor delays here and there.

As for ongoing projects - the next chapter of Jackson has been sent to me, and I've made the initial sketch for it, now I just have to make the final artwork. That should be soon.

The Baron is pretty much all on track.

The Houseguest, I'm making my way through finalizing the illustrations, and then it should be ready for the author to publish. The current idea is that it's posted on here for you guys, as well as on sale on Amazon for everyone else. Shouldn't be too much longer now.

And then of course I've got the next FATPOP to draw, and many more commissions (plus my book idea, and comic idea) so lots of stuff coming up. It's going to be a packed year!

As always, thank you all so much for your support. I couldn't do this without you guys. I love all of you.



Carl Quaif

We love you too, Lokitu. Thank you for all the pleasure you bring us with your skill and talent. xxx