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"The fourth bowl was a struggle for him, and he stopped eating several times to gulp more beer, or burp, or just to breathe heavily. His sweaty face was getting very red. His fans became less vocal, and their eyes turned, slowly, to me. I had quietly finished my third bowl by this time, and was sipping more water as my fourth arrived, but unlike David there was no strain showing on my face. I continued to place forkful after forkful after forkful into my capacious maw, eating neatly and steadily. The only visible indicators of the amount I had consumed were the stack of emptied bowls...and the visible strain on my shirt, as the gaps between buttons grew wider and wider..."

Here is the second part of this commission for Carl Quaif, (again, writer-extrodinaire of 'School Reunion') for his other story 'Sabbatical', which can be found on BellyBuilders HERE (it's free to read with a sign-up).

In this scene, teacher James (above, left) is challenged to a carbonara eating contest by the beefy teacher David (above, right), and by this point in the story James is a bit of a pro at packing away multiple courses!

(as always, click or tap on the header image to view it at maximum resolution)



Carl Quaif

Such a great picture - perfectly captures the scene in my mind. Brilliant work, Lokitu! 💕💕💕