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"I put down my cutlery, pulled a full, large slice from the pizza, folded it in half, and took a huge bite. The flavours made my mouth water, but I simply chewed, swallowed, and took another bite, then another and another, until the slice was gone. I raised my own eyebrows at Gerald, who was openly grinning at me; he saluted me with his wine glass, and nodded at the remaining slices of pizza.

The many, many remaining slices of pizza...

Could I really finish all this?

Well, I could try.

I took a gulp of lager and dug in..."

Carl Quaif, writer-extrodinaire of 'School Reunion' commissioned me to bring to life a couple of scenes from another story of his - 'Sabbatical'. Above is a little sample of the story, but the entire thing can be found on BellyBuilders HERE (it's free to read with a sign-up).

Sabbatical tells the story of teacher James (above, left) who sets himself the mission of expanding his waistline dramatically over the course of a year. He has plenty of help along the way!

(as always, click or tap on the header image to view it at maximum resolution)



Carl Quaif

Just wonderful! Thank you so much, Lokitu - you picked the image directly from my imagination and brought it to vivid life! xxx