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And still doesn’t fit! 😆

But man the thick straps are soooooo comfortable and she did such a great job on the patch work because no side boob!!

2nd photo shows how thick the straps are!




Your straps look like those braces for pants or how they're called idk 😅

Dirk Gently

Too small? Too big? Something you can grow in to?


It’s too small ... unfortunately. It’s the new custom sports bra , just a few sizes too small because the band needs to be underneath my boobs.


Not sure what you mean , sorry! Maybe suspenders is what you’re thinking of? If not I have no clue , but no big deal! 😅


Suspenders, yes! Thank you. Yeah idk translators suck and my english vocabulary is rusty LOL


That’s alright! I agree with you! The straps do look like suspenders. Don’t be too hard on yourself , seems fine to me! Not everyone knows what suspenders are AND some know what suspenders are / look like , yet can’t think of the name at times! It happens ☺️


Nah, I'm pretty fine and chill, don't worry! 😁 I mean suspenders were used back then and are barely seen today afaik. Yet your straps just reminded me of those 😂


Okay! Just don’t like when people are too hard on themselves , it’s life lol. Yeah they aren’t around much anymore. Just out of style , but I actually like how suspenders look!

The Hazzman

A little incovinient it were too small since the begining But the straps looks so sturdy that it feels like that bra could hold your growing boobs for a good while


So when you ordered it, do you think it would've fit? Do you think you just outgrew it between the time you ordered it and when it was made/shipped to you?

Shmueli Englard

Damn 😍 nothing can contain them


So it only took little over 2 and a half weeks because the lady has been backed up for about 2 months and finally emailed me letting me know that she was free. So it didn’t take long to get to me from the time she made it and when it was shipped. Now if it was like 2-3 months to get to me yeah definitely. I got the biggest custom size she could do and unfortunately just not enough!


Yes the straps are very sturdy and the sides have built in patch work so no side boob / barely any side boob. The only thing that doesn’t fit is the actual bra itself. The line is halfway to my boob and it’s supposed to be underneath my boob lol.


I gotchya. Damn, that's crazy that you're even too big for custom bras 🤯. What about that other black bra that you had? Is that pretty much impossible to get on now?


I feel like your growth lends itself to a story. The gal who outgrew everything! No matter how big the bra or top, your breasts outgrow and overflow it!


Well I think it’s more of no one really makes stuff big enough for massive / overly sized breasts. I’m just happy to find something that comes so close to fitting! I mean even some girls who are say a size K cup , they even struggle to find stuff that fits (bras , bikinis , etc)


Well a regular custom bra is different from a custom sports bra. See with sports bras they usually only have S,M,L, XL and of course the typical cup sizes. But very rarely do you come across a L, M, N, etc cup sports bra. So that’s when custom stuff comes in and unfortunately the largest custom size was equivalent to a 6 XL and she added extra patch work on the sides of the bra where side boob wouldn’t spill out. It works in some parts of the bra, but it doesn’t work in the main part which is most important for actual wear.


I actually don’t wear the black bra I got and outgrew within a few months. I much rather prefer sports bras because of the stretch and overall comfort. Basically it’s either sports bra or no bra at all which I’m cool with!


Totally off-topic: have you finally seen "Misery" since then ? 😃


Love how the stiching on #2 is stretching out.