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Anddddd I was hopeful , but alas it just doesn’t fit right.

The straps are nice and thick for support , but that’s it.

Just another semi comfortable sports bra!

The band / line is supposed to be several more inches down and when I tried it on it kept coming back up.

Anyways more photos in this to come soon and a video as well!




Shmueli Englard

Only way you're getting anything that fits is custom on the spot clothing


Wow, well it looks really nice though! Would we be able to get a profile shot in it? Just to see how far they stick out with even a bit of support!


Not even close 🍉🍉


Yeah this was custom and as big as the lady went when it comes to custom stuff as well sadly!


Yeah it’s sort of comfortable , but not for a long period of time. Because it’s a sports bra and it doesn’t fit / is a bit tight in some spots it squishes them down. A profile shot would look rather bleh compared to something that’s a bit more stretchy! You see my boobs are so wide and massive now , sometimes I can look rather flat in some things. It’s just weird to explain!


Yeah that's fair! Boobs of that size are almost a liquid I guess :P They squish and mould to find room wherever they can. If you don't get enough width or projection in a piece of clothing, it'd just push them against your body and squeeze them out near your thighs I guess.


She actually did a good job with the side boob problem I have all the time though! She put a few extra patches there and it actually worked! There’s only a tiny bit of side boob compared to other bras / sports bras so at least that’s good!


Wow, that's a sports bra?! Lookz more like a sleeveless hoodie...😁 lol


Can you show us your old tops? I wonder how much your 🍈🍈 have grown 🤔


I underestimated the power of your boobs and was hopeful your custom bra would fit at least for a little while 😅

The Hazzman

The boob were too much for the poor bra, can be fixed? The desing looks good tho


Yes I’ve posted some old tops and will / can post more in old tops. It’s a lot different fit and some don’t even fit anymore unfortunately BUT fortunately!