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Fifty years have passed since the disappearance of the queen and the mutual self-destruction between the empires of Numantia-Thuringia and Nova-Neustria. Since then, even though Ardeal survived and became the economic and cultural center of the new era, other kingdoms, fiefdoms and principalities have arisen both within Ardeal's domains and outside them, in the ruins of the two former empires throughout the world. One of those new countries has been the Kingdom of Hulthemia, a small coastal kingdom south of Thuringia (which became independent again after rebuilding itself and since the demise of its major ally, Numantia), north of the still smoking ruins (even after 50 years) of the capital metropolis of Nova-Neustria and east of Ardeal. Hulthemia used to be a quiet and peaceful place, until 10 years ago when a young (for he was then 20 years old) and powerful feudal lord, Raphael Von Luttich, rebelled against King Mathijs' attempt to take over the kingdom. However, Raphael's forces could not advance beyond his fief in western Hulthemia, resulting in a five-year stalemate of war, after which an armistice was agreed upon. However, Hulthemia was divided into Lower Hulthemia (the original Hulthemia, in the east, in the plains and on the coast) and Upper Hulthemia (Raphael's fief, which was in the mountains, farther from the coast), and although Ardeal and Thuringia recognized Hulthemia as a single kingdom, in practice they functioned as two distinct countries, and while both powers did not recognize Upper Hulthemia, neither did they do anything to quell the rebellion in aid of King Mathijs, and without military help from a more able power, King Mathijs, who was never a warrior but rather was always more intellectual, diplomatic and evocative of the arts and philosophy, could not quell the rebellion alone, even if he had a larger army than Raphael's, but since he had a numerically larger army, it was enough to at least prevent the rebel army, which although more skilled was also much less numerous, from advancing out of his fief, albeit at the cost of numerous human losses.

Finally, as of today, in the year 2280, the division between the two territories is expected to end soon, as, on the one hand, Prince Eduard, son of King Mathijs and unbeatable in battle, returns from the battlefield after studying all his youth in Thuringia at an outstanding military college. Eduard, unlike his father, was then more skilled in battle and a reputable strategist who served in Thuringia under the protection of a friend of his fathers in the neighboring country, becoming highly respected in Thuringia for his successful campaigns against the pirates of Fjordia, a country of adventurers in the icy eastern islands near Thuringia. Therefore, upon the return of Prince Eduard to Hulthemia, who has returned because of his father's deteriorating health, he was expected to reform the army and lead a new campaign against the rebels that could achieve victory. On the other hand, Princess Katherine, the daughter of King Mathijs and sister of Eduard, a year older than him (even though both are around twenty), in Eduard's absence, was engaged in marriage to Raphael, the rebel feudal lord, so that upon the King's death, which could be soon, Katherine could attempt to claim the throne of Hulthemia and, by marrying Raphael, re-unify both territories finally, were it not for one obstacle in particular: Eduard's return to the kingdom. The semi-salic law that prevails in the kingdom, make the rights to the throne fall on Eduard before Katherine. However, Katherine was not about to sit idly by, for she has been planning what she could do in case Eduard decided to return from Thuringia, so the time has come to act before it is too late.
[drawing 1]

Months later after Eduard's arrival back to Hulthemia, Eduard received an invitation from his dear and beloved sister: she invited him to dine in a few days at a banquet in Luttich Castle, in Upper Hulthemia, the fief of the rebels, where Katherine currently resides, to talk about the future of the country and reach an agreement, showing the best intentions of both her and Raphael to negotiate. On the one hand it is normal that Eduard doubts about whether he should go to the rebel territory, but on the other hand Eduard trusts his sister completely and keeps a great memory of her from when they played when they were children, so he considers that his sister and Raphael have good intentions and there is no reason to doubt, besides Eduard has had enough time to reform the army and turn Hulthemia into a militarily formidable country that, in case some misfortune happens to Eduard or he is killed or captured in the rebels' territory, he has left clear instructions to invade the rebel fiefdom.

Finally, after a few days, when the day of the banquet has arrived, Eduard crosses the border to the rebel fief by means of a safe-conduct granted by Katherine and arrives at Luttich Castle. Eduard arrived a few hours earlier, before the banquet, and plans to leave early, as he does not plan to stay there that long, let alone sleep there, since he is inevitably distrustful of the rebels. Katherine welcomes him effusively, inviting him to stop by Raphael's workshop, where her husband usually spends his free time painting pictures and sculpting statues. While Eduard gazes with admiration and lust at the statues of naked women in the workshop, Katherine, who wastes no time, offers Eduard a snack: a basket of apples.
[Drawing 2]

After a few minutes, while Eduard hungrily devours the apples in the basket and while he enjoys the view looking at Raphael's sculptures, he starts to feel a little weird and to feel a strange pressure in his chest and more heat in his back, besides he starts to feel clumsier when walking. Eduard's first thought, given the situation, is that he had been poisoned, and while feeling that pressure in his chest he has noticed that the apples are much sweeter and cloying than a normal apple, as well as giving off a light pink juice, something he didn't notice at first probably because of the tiredness of the trip. However, Eduard has a different fate in store for him, learning about it when he passes by a large mirror in the workshop and sees himself: his brown hair has grown so long that it now covers much of his back, causing more heat in him, while the pressure on his chest is because his breasts, formerly pectoral, have changed shape and have become more voluminous... as voluminous as... a woman's breasts? Eduard, frightened, sees how his body has transformed into that of a woman, quickly losing his bed and noticing that his sword has also disappeared (or perhaps it has been stolen while he eats), while Katherine tries to keep him calm.
[Drawing 3]

It is then when Katherine starts to caress Eduard's shoulders, he somehow calms down and lets his guard down, even though deep down he wonders what is going on, he feels distrustful of everyone now and feels like killing his sister, yet at the same time he feels vulnerable and now inside his being there is a maelstrom of contradictory emotions. Katherine claims that she doesn't know what happened, but surely if he lets her help her, they can find the answers to her unexpected setback. As Katherine caresses Eduard's shoulders, she looks into his eyes captivatingly, fixedly, as she asks him that, in order to get to the truth, he must do everything she says, to which he agrees, allowing himself to be carried away by the soothing massage and Katherine's deeply hypnotic eyes.

The hours go by until the time of the banquet and, finally, the time has come to show the surprise that the royal family has for all the attendees, many of them nobles from many other neighboring kingdoms and empires, eager to hear the new news and aware that Prince Eduard has come to the banquet, being all eager that this news has to do with an end to the unresolved conflict between the two territories. However, to the surprise of all present, the news that the royal family of Hulthemia would give at Luttich Castle was very different from what they were thinking.

Finally, while everyone was silent in the ceremonial hall, behind a red curtain a beautiful woman with long brown hair and emerald green eyes, wearing a beautiful purple dress and a slender figure with large breasts and a curvaceous hip came out. Prince Eduard has died, but today was born Princess Edlyn, who voluntarily, or so it seems in front of everyone's eyes, has decided to stop being Eduard and renounce the throne as she is no longer the younger male brother legible to the throne as the older sister is a woman, but now becoming the younger sister, being the semi-salic law unfeasible to apply since they are the only children the king had and there is no living cousin and uncle.

The people watched in astonishment as Edlyn, who was formerly Eduard, presented herself as a princess, while behaving delicately and kindly, as a princess should behave. Meanwhile, Katherine and Raphael celebrate with a glass of wine.
[Drawing 4]

Not long after, plunged into a deep depression by his son's sudden personality change, King Mathijs dies at the age of 84 on April 3, 2280, watching the country he founded 50 years ago begin to fall into the hands of his daughter's traitor and the rebels after her death. The next day, Katherine is crowned as the new Queen of Hulthemia, who changes the laws of inheritance and succession to allow Raphael to serve as King of Hulthemia at the same time she can serve as Queen of Upper Hulthemia simultaneously, once again allowing Hulthemia to function as one country in a unified fashion.

After that, at that time, Katherine has realized that she no longer needs her new sister, Princess Edlyn, who has fulfilled her role already. On the other hand, Katherine would love to get a new toy at the same time she would love to have a trophy to commemorate that great victory in her life, so Katherine plans to give a new meaning to Edlyn's life, to be her beloved and cherished toy and trophy. Days later, Katherine, who asked her sister Edlyn to appear there to talk about some things, once she arrived at the place, grabbed her sister's shoulder from behind and, without further ado, cast a strong spell against her with her scepter, which she had hidden under her cloak. Katherine was, in reality for many years now, a witch who was becoming more and more powerful, after having received her powers by sacrificing her mother in a ritual she read in an ancient book she found in the library, which turned out to be a grimoire. Katherine's ambitions know no limit, and she has reached her peak, or so it would seem, even though she would like to subordinate the world to her feet as Hermes, the ancient emperor of Nova Neustria, who died long ago in mysterious circumstances, did.
[Drawing 5]

After being treacherously attacked, Edlyn falls to the ground bewildered. She tries to see what is going on around her, but her vision blurs as if she were in a huge whirlwind as everything seems to change size. Suddenly Edlyn can't even move her eyes to look around, and only sees Katherine's huge smile looking down at her.

Katherine can't waste any more time and starts playing with her new toy before deciding on her final dress, she has turned Edlyn into a doll, small, delicate and helpless, totally at her mercy, filling with pleasure this fact to Katherine, who laughs like a villain while caressing the doll's breasts with an eagle feather, not before having dressed her in a dress more suitable for a doll. The eagle feather (or so it seems) is one of her most prized relics, as it is said that the feather is from the wings of the goddess who killed Emperor Hermes and was found in the throne room of Ardeal, an object that Katherine bought in a clandestine auction long ago. Meanwhile, the little doll Edlyn is suffocated by pleasure, trying to move, but remaining totally immobile, immutable, perfect, drowned by an immense maelstrom of pleasure, more and more, now just a helpless doll....
[Drawing 6]

Finally, after several months in which Katherine played with her doll, she decides what to do with it, as she has become bored with her toy. So she has decided that Edlyn will spend the rest of her days spinning eternally thanks to magic, inserted in a small magic music box, kept in a museum in the capital of Hulthemia, behind a glass box, like a ballet dancer doll, spinning more and more, eternally, while two feathers floating around her thanks to magic caress her delicate and beautiful ballet dancer body all the time, consuming any residue of her mind more and more.
[Drawing 7]

The next day Katherine drinks red wine while waiting for Raphael to arrive without thinking that her ambitions will someday bring her dire consequences, and that day has arrived. Suddenly Katherine feels her body quite strange, increasingly stiff and hot, until she falls to the floor completely paralyzed, excited and flushed. Katherine perceives now, too late, that someone has poisoned her wine, with some kind of neurotoxin that paralyzes her body and causes her pleasure, as well as blocking her magical powers (but keeping Katherine alive, without doing any major damage), but who has poisoned her?

It seems like Katherine would never know, until Raphael finally arrives and sees her on the floor. Raphael reminds Katherine, as he watches her sink into the pleasure of in-mobility, about whether she remembers an old conversation from when they were younger and had just met. Katherine 2 years ago told Raphael about his strong resemblance to ancient and vanished feudal lord Scipio d'Numantia, by way of praise for his good and neat appearance, which exudes testosterone at first glance. So now Raphael reveals the truth to Katherine: he is the son of one of the numerous bastard children Scipio had throughout his life (and therefore his grandson) with one of his mythical wives, former princesses who were turned into wax statues for display, named Liesel Von Luttich, from whom he took his surname. Since his birth his father lived with his grandparents who died when his father was very young, having to wander and beg in the street despite his noble lineage, while watching how the King of Hulthemia and his family, his father, had fun all the time abusing all kinds of excesses at the expense of the poverty of his subjects. That feeling against the king's excesses persisted even after decades when his father had already been able to obtain a great amount of territories and wealth through his military conquests by taking advantage of all the chaos during the war and self-destruction between Numantia and Nova Neustria, and that feeling has persisted for generations being determinant in his own education (in Raphael's) and Raphael promising his father, when he died, that he would finally end with his own hands the King's excesses. Katherine, feeling betrayed, has finally understood that everything has been a conspiracy against her family and that she has been the useful idiot to achieve Raphael's goals.
[Drawing 8]

Now, since Raphael has achieved his plan and taken control of Hulthemia, he has decided to have some fun with Katherine before finishing the job, turning Katherine into a beautiful sex doll ready to be used. Meanwhile Katherine tries to move, without much success, projecting outward just a few meager twitches, palpitations and tremors.
[Drawing 9]

Months later, while Raphael is publicly lamenting the disappearance of his wife, he took the opportunity to warn the public that he plans to reform the entire country, he shows the public a magical statue, in honor of his missing wife.
[Drawing 10]


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