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I was so busy yesterday, I forgot to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

I hope you all stayed safe and found some way to celebrate the day with family, friends or by yourself enjoying the peace and quiet (for once) with a nice glass of eggnog and popcorn.

I had zoom calls, fly by visits and the Secret Santa contest to maintain but apart from that, it was actually NICE to not have any family responsibilities that day and just be at peace.

Not to show everyone up but... <name redacted> surprised me with an Amazon Gift Card!  Such a nice surprise!  I decided to buy bath bombs with it.  Its an indulgence that I never partake in but love using them to put myself in a serene mood before I start drawing.  All of my best art come after bath bombs!  THANK YOU!!!

Okay then... the plans for the next week...

I'm going to work on commissions as promised.  Page 2 of Wanderer's comic and Page 2 of Spa Day and a Harley Quinn/Ivy illustration.  I have a lot to do so I'd better get cracking!




Merry Christmas to all and especially Julia. May we all have a wonderful new year ✨ 🙏 💛


Thank you Avery! It will be a wonderful year, I’m sure of it! ☃️

Eddie Edwards

If only he knew that Sarai had his kid. Not that would stop him from using the nearest ass for a little recreation