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The story is split into three right now just like any good adventure story should.  The second story should be full of tragedy and things should get worse and worse for the heroes and just when  it can't get any worse, it DOES!

I'm really looking forward to 2021(duh!) ...but ALSO because there so much story to tell right now and my mind is spinning trying to organize it.  As wacky as fantasy stories can get sometime, I have to make sure it keeps moving along the over arching plot and I can't wait to see if I succeed at this!

Now, I would hate to introduce too many characters so we'll see how much we like these new additions and if they are going to be reoccuring characters or just cameos.  If these two look familiar, they may have had some fun at Little Lorna's expense in an alternate life so if you find where these guys appear in Little Lorna's adventures, you may get a hint of what's to COME for Faaryn.

I'm excited to get all of these pages posted on Boxing day and also anxious to finish up work on some commissions for a week until the first Saturday of 2021 (I hope you all have learned what Boxing day is now! LOL!).




Oh no! Those two gentlemen are definitely not going to take advantage of her, no sir. Two upstanding citizens right there 😝


I like the look of things! This is great Julia! Thanks!