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I realize some of you might be wondering whats going on over here. tldr at bottom.

between the computer issues i had in december to the weather recently and alot of other more personal issues. I haven't worked (or had the brain space) to work in weeks. I'm coming out of it again and have my stream schedule (or rather. plans to stream) set up. But to let everyone know whats going on in my life at the moment.

After the pc got fixed I started working on the cockvore animation (celestia starlight and daybreaker one. preview in a previous post) I got a few other projects ontop of that main one cycling in so ill admit while not efficient. when i was bored of one i could swap but as of the start of feb. I have been in a bit of a rut. We lost water in my town (we occasionally get boil orders. we live down river from were issues are coming from technically) but we never had full on. no water pressure no water no working toilets before.

Ontop of that and all the fucking snow I was dieing the last few weeks. im sure texas has it worse but its destroyed my mood to work. The rolling power outages across our area is really not fucking helping. The thought of working is kinda overshadowed when at any time my power can flux and my pc gets shut off and goes haywire till i reboot it.

I'm going to use next months payments (If i have enough from it) to get a UPS so that i don't have to worry if theres a sudden power flux. its about 150 and i still have some money from last month. after i get that properly integrated I'll be able to do regular streaming but living in the sticks were the local power grid isn't the best (and my internets fucking spoty) really does not help me at the moment. I promise I'll have more wips and updates in the coming month.

There is some good news though! The patreon discord connection is set back up. I had issues because in october my old discord was deleted (Rather not get into it. but i lost access to my server. i got it back. (thank god for mods)) so now its set back up. had 5 people get pulled in at once from it the second i set it back up. so anyone interested please feel free to integrate your discord into your patreon so you can see my wip room there. i post all updates to my work there first.

For anyone who has read this far. Thank you. And thank you for your support ;u; And thank you all for your patience with my bullshit i know it won't be enough of a thank you but i promice to provide lots of good fappable work this year.

Real life bullshit has stopped me from working. no water at home, family issues, snow when we have never had this much fucking snow. power outages within a few hours of eachother. town going into low power mode which damages pc's. earlier before recent issues was pc needing to be fixed. thats sorted now. I promise this year ill get you all lots of lewds and im sorry for constantly having delays :c I'm buying a ups this months so i stop losing work when the power goes out. 


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