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I don't know if I really talked about it here but a few weeks ago my pc flat DIED. It wouldn't start. It was in a "boot loop of death" its fixed now. I had to take it to a store but its fixed.

To that end. I'm finally getting back to work and decided to throw up 4 ideas of what id love to make at the moment as a vote on twitter. (yes its cockvore) daybreaker cockvoring celestia won. I'm going to jump between this and impreg for a while (the animation with gothshy on flutterbat) I'd say the impreg animations about roughly half way done give or take. the thing above is in initial posing.

To that end I'm going to post more wips as best I can. The above is from the last stream.

To any who are curious. No I have not given up on blender either. But that's farther down the road after I learn how to animate in a new format I'm not used to :c

If anyones curious about anything. leave a comment and ill respond. 




Glad to hear things are going for ya again, srry you had so much pc issues. real excited for whats coming since I like your impreg stuff and love your cock vore stuff :)


there is a lot of cockvore in future and I need more impreg ideas. :thonk: its my passion but cockvore is sorta more fun to do if im honest.