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sorry for being dead. as I've likely said before i've just given up on blender for the time being. someones working on an addon i have my eyes on though (it looks just like what i use in sfm... im so hopeful)

anyway. updates. I'm adding the finishing touches to the sunburst animation. anyone in my server 5 dollar tier room knows what im talking about. I'd post a wip here but i cant sadly

that should be out soon though. in other news. My next two projects are already decided for the time being. I still need to fit some nip fucking into my schedule but as of right now i don't have the time x_X also. anyone who likes sphinx cockvore has a gem in the next month or two of there future. >:3c I'll start leaving updates for that stuff once i've started on it. I strongly suggest you lot join the discord server and check the patreon rooms for content :P I post more there just cause its more convenient 


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