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alright. So. I figured i should leave an update so everyone knows were i stand. I'm at a bit of a impass at the moment with my work. I should honestly be putting a bit out. but I've come to realize. I made a mistake years ago that im paying for now. In sfm I always use the motion editor. That's just what i learned to use. The motion editor only exists in sfm.

the graph editor is what everyone else uses. or atleast what blender uses. key frames and stuff... i am not used to this program at all. I can put up with everything about it. but man that animation style is going to be me butting heads with the system for the next year.

So here is were i stand. I can try and just rip and tear into blender. get accostemed to it and abandon sfm (except for specific projects depending on if i can get the models to work in blender or not) or i can jump between the programs regularly or just take blender slowly and stick to sfm...

I'm leaning torward just forcing my way through blender cause learning to use it would be great. but at the moment. after getting a taste of what im going to be doing. im worried its going to be a bit before i can put out anything worth seeing

I've started animating a remake of that oc cockvore i did recently (me and nmf's oc. mostly cause those are the only models i have in blender at the moment that makes sense as a match. but i could easily swap assets to make it another character i imagine) and i think my animations from now on are going to look very stiff in comparison to my sfm animations. (again. keyframe vs motion editor)

I'm stressed man. ill post some wips after i get about 5-6 seconds of animation done so i can share what im talking about. 



TAK, you'll do fine! It's a learning process sure, but it's an investment for the future! Red horse knows you can do it! So.., do it!


Im still new to this. Annnnd cant quite get what the whole problem is. But im sure yu can figure out some tricks to work with it.