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Hey there, nudies! Sorry for the delayed post. Really, I'm not trying to make this a habit! We ended up running into some technical hurdles for a thing we REALLY wanted to show off tonight and hoped a little bit of extra time would be enough to fix it, but it didn't pan out. But that's okay, because we have plenty of other stuff to show instead! Buckle up, because this is a VERY image-heavy post.

So, as AT was working on some particularly spicy animations, we noticed that some of Amber's textures were warping in weird ways that looked very unpleasant. We decided to go back in and clean stuff up, and since we were already doing that, decided to go even further and give her one more upgrade to fix some remaining few issues that were bugging us. I proudly present AMBER 3.0. I think. I forget how many revisions we've actually done.

I actually helped in this particular endeavor with some textures edits! They're a bit more subtle, so let me point out the specific adjustments.

(Forgive the lack of outline and the pubes texture clipping on the old one, that would have been fixed in the main game regardless)

First - Nipples! Amber's original nipples had a drawn-on texture to add definition to her nipples, but the topography made it a bit... hexagonal. This is a fairly low poly game, but it was still something that bothered me. Bear dedicated a bit more polygons to that area now, and Amber's nipples can even get erect!

With that improvement, we realized we didn't really need the old hexagonal outline around the nipples anymore. I also wanted to make her areolas a bit more defined, as the gradient effect before felt a bit too... loose. I actually obsessed over these nipples for hours, trying to strike that perfect balance between stylistically cartoony but realistically defined. I'm pretty happy with the final result, though!

Next up - Crotch! I wasn't happy with the old pube texture and thought the super cartoony shape and outline was distracting. So I went in and drew a new one, dropping the outline entirely while adding a bit more volume and density to them. Her pubes should look like it'd be nice to brush through with your fingers, you know? Of course, I'm sure people still like her old fire pubes, so I still tried to keep the same basic idea. Just with more strands of pubic hair.

Bear also reworked the shadows and topography. Originally, her "vagina bones" as has been coined on the internet were painted-on textures, but now they're part of the same outline as the rest of her body. There's some other improvements to that area too, but we might have to go more into detail when AT has more animations to show... Still, looks pretty nice, right?

Finally - Butt! I think there were a bit TOO many freckles on her butt previously, so I wanted to reduce that down a bit. Bear's crotchwork ended up helping out with the butt as well, but I also snuck in something else there... Can you spot it?

It's BLUSH! Butt blush! Amber's got nice, warm cheeks now! Actually, if you look over some of the other screencaps, you can see she now has blush in various spots all over her body! On her chest, her elbows, knees, fingers, toes... and her BUTT! It gives her body a sense of warmth, doesn't it? It really helps with some lighting and shadows...

See what I mean? Isn't that just a butt you want to lay your head on? So warm and inviting...

Of course, she also has a bit of blush on her other cheeks now, too. She's really just too damn cute now. Can you tell I'm happy with these texture edits?

Whew... This blog post ended up being even bigger than I thought it'd be. We actually had even more to show, but I think I'll call it here and save them for the next progress report. I WILL, however, give you this gif of one of AT's new animations.

So squishy...

See you all next week!


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