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Hey there, nudies! Sorry for the delayed post. We were cooking last night trying to get a cool lil' preview ready, but we unfortunately ran into some importing issues with our animations (specifically, some would just flip around when transitioning to another). But we still got nice progress to show!

Importing issues aside, all of the animation touch-ups are DONE. All 21 of Amber's conversational animations are completely redone. Once we resolve that previously mentioned issue, we will be good to go on rebuilding our cutscenes! We're just about caught up to where we were back in Unity, with a lot more added on top! Between all the model and animation improvements, the new locations, and all the additional in-game art, this thing is starting to feel a lot more full-bodied.

Beyond those animation issues, we'll also need to go back to Amber's model this week and make a few tweaks. These animations have shown us a few issues in her model that need smoothing. If you look around her armpit in that cute animation above (and I know some people are), you can see some weird lines forming. It's small stuff like that. It won't be anything to major, and we don't foresee it taking up much time. Meanwhile, we've got more cute pedestrians to litter Culo Culo Town with, courtesy of Sweez!

Back on the subject of animation, I should clarify what I mean when I say that Amber's conversational animations are done. That basically means her cutscene animations - the animations we'll pull from during conversations, specific actions she needs to perform during cutscenes, stuff like that. All of those are done, meaning we can build our cutscenes again. But now that those are done, we can get to work on some spicier animations. How spicy, you ask? Well...

Let's just say Amber's gonna have trouble handling them with just one hand.

Of course, this is an optional thing you can do in the game, but I do encourage you to at least let Amber enjoy herself if no one else~

That's all for today! See you next week!




Looking good! Glad to hear ya’ll are so close to catching back up, and suuuuuper hyped for the demo. While you guys work I think I’ll open a window, it’s suddenly really warm in here….


Oh boy, my Amber is going to enjoy herself every chance she gets