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Hey there, nudies! Things have been progressing extremely well this week! Leslie just finished all the illustrations for a very important, very cozy scene! Sure, it's October NOW, but in Culo Culo Town, the sun's ALWAYS out for those buns! So relax and read a nice, weirdly familiar comic book while you work on your full-body tan.

There's more images to accompany this particular scene, but we'll keep those as a surprise for now. Sweez has also been working on another scene involving full-screen illustrations as well! Brace yourself... Amber's wearing clothes in this one!

Don't worry! It's pretty much the only illustration with clothes that doesn't involve taking them off. Amber won't be constrained in cotton for long, I promise! Though this is a very cute illustration.

We're VERY close to being done with the Amber model update as well, putting the last few touches on the textures before rigging it up and importing it back into the game. I know you're all still scarred from seeing Amber in her clothes again, so please enjoy this sneak peek at the new model, nude as all hell.

Oh BABY. I can't stress enough how much I love this new model and how amazing of a job Bear has done. There's so many improvements! I talked before that her breasts now have some weight and sag to them and her limbs are more shapely, but her facial features like her nose and cheeks are better defined. We've also included some of the design elements Sweez has added in his illustrations, like the soft belly shadow and the bottom lip for cuter expressions. Her hair's also been heavily remodeled to be softer and fluffier! Check out the comparison with her old model!

A pretty dramatic difference, right? Not to say that the old model was bad, but Bear's learned so much since the original version, and we've also learned how far we can go within our specs. I'm glad we took the time to redo her, especially with how much she's going to be on-screen in the buff. Though we're not done yet! We'll be adding some more details, like extra shine and blush to her body. We've already gotten started, adding another nice little bit of detail from Sweez's art.

BOOB SHINE. Also, her nipples have been completely redone as well. They're very nice nipples.

In the meantime, Invertex has been working on the backend side of things still, and even found time to make an outline tool for Bear so that he can better gauge how his characters will look with our in-game shaders, since Bear's working in Blender and we're using shaders in Godot. I'm still in the process of reformatting all the dialogue to fit within Godot's dialogue system, and of course a couple more rewrites because I can't stop myself from tweaking lines. I'll try to have all that finished by next update!

That's all for now! As always, thank you so much for the support! See you next week!



Chris Septicor

That banner image is so gorgeous.


Love the new model! It has a much more natural and realistic feel to it.