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Happy holidays, nudies! Sorry for the slight delay, had a little set-back yesterday that pushed the update a little later. But because of that, we had time for Nalem to make this little bonus piece of Amber art! It might be a little nippily out there, but Amber's all right as long as she's got a comfy scarf and booties!

The dev groove has been going strong! In a previous post, we revealed a design for the very eccentric Mayor of Culo Culo! I'm happy to show that Bear has almost finished her 3D model! Check it out!

It's honestly hard to believe that this is 3D! Bear does such an amazing job of translating Leslie's art into the third dimension, even with complicated designs like the Mayor's! All it needs is some rigging and it'll be good to go. Sadly, she won't be in the demo, but you won't have to wait long to meet her in the full game. She's a very important character who interacts with Amber a lot, so you'll be seeing a lot of her!

AT has also been working hard at the animations to bring all these characters to life, focusing now on Petrea. And holy SHIT, did he do a good job on them.

She's got so much personality! AT really amped the old lady snark in Petrea and I think it works especially well. She's got such a taunting grin. Petty's a character I personally really loved writing, and I think animations and expressions like this are going to do a whole lot to sell the funny lines I wrote for her. I can't wait for you all to see more!

Speaking of writing, I'm about halfway through plugging in the new script into our game's code. It's a bit of a process due to the formatting, but I thiiink I can get it done before the next update. It's giving me a good opportunity to tweak dialogue and add a couple new scenes to the demo (including some cute lewd ones I'm pretty happy with), so I don't mind the extra work. Plus, it makes it easier for Invertex to program around as well. Once all of the script is in the game, the story will technically be playable from start to finish! It'll be super rough and plain of course, but it's exciting to think that the demo will be "complete" in a sense. We still got a bit to go, but it does look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel! Thank you all so much for your patience!

That's all for now! See you next Friday! Stay warm and cozy, especially if you're naked!




Happy Holidays to everyone!


Holy shit that's hot...


I am really.. REALLY looking forward to this game. It looks like it'll hit that sweet spot of nudity that's permitted but not necessarily casual. Gonna be great!

