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This build introduces NPCs walking around the environment. Taking inspiration from other games, I wanted to try turning the NPCs into silhouettes to see how they work as enemies. There can be up to 50 NPCs walking around in the environment, so you're almost bound to get caught streaking. At the moment, they only detect you but do not react. This allows for getting a feel of how the level would play without penalizing you.

The environment has only received some minor changes since the previous build. The biggest takeaway I got from your feedback was the necessity of adding more landmarks to make the streets feel more unique. I have some ideas of locations to add in, but I might put a pause on this to develop other areas of the game for next Friday's release.

As always, your feedback is critical! I read each and every one of them to help determine what needs to be changed to improve the level, even if it may not be immediately apparent.

Thank you again for your support!

- Jaguar



Not sure how i feel about the npcs being bright green, it makes it harder to immerse yourself in the environment and game. The amount of npcs however is great, although i think the city should have some nightlife to give so many npcs a little more reason to be walking around in the middle of the night. I occasionally ran into some npcs which were stuck on the environment and couldnt move but it wasnt too common.


Hello, the new environment is pretty good, but I agree is to simple to get lost, try to left clothes somewhere and wasn't easy to find them back, is almost impossible to avoid the npc seems that they are a bit too much, but what i miss from old environment are the stairs with platforms where you can stand exposing with a bit more light on her and the different levels, this environment looks a bit too flat


I like the large amount of NPCs, the first thing I noticed was they stick to the roads and avoid the back alleys. I like the idea of a safe zone and a danger zone that you will have to run across quickly but I think there should be a small number of NPCs that will walk down alleyways periodically not so often so that they will be mostly safe. Will NPCs also be able to follow you if they see you and you run down an alleyway?


I think the number of NPC's could be a bit less but what I also would kine to see are a few NPC's (like 2 or 3 max) that like cheer you on so you can score points or some kind of joker.and again, my wife wouldv like a naked man option. and you should build in a peepshow or stripclub where she can perform as a price when you get at some amount off points. just some idea's. keep it up team, you rule.


I think this is a bit much in terms of NPC count. I feel like less NPCs with better eyesight would make for a better experience than simply stacking them up. Still, with so many, it creates a pretty good heatmap of what areas they tend to roam around in. I'm not sure what system you're using, but if I had to guess, do they pathfind along select tracks and roll a dice to decide which way to go at an intersection? If so, that would explain why, in my experience, they statistically tend to find their way towards the center of the map, leaving the edges desolate. Having them randomly decide a destination and then pathfind there along tracks would help them spread out more evenly. Then again, I could be completely wrong in my assumptions regarding their "ai". Obviously the NPCs never go into alleyways, which I think they ultimately should have a small chance to do, but I personally don't see it as a priority at this very point in development. It's nice to see them spawn in and out of the map, but unless some system is introduced to alert the player that an NPC is about to exit a building, it isn't going to be fun to play. You could limit the spawning to select places on the edges of the map such as the tunnels or anything else that is easily recognizable as a spawn point. NPCs tend to get stuck on the sides of buildings. So far, I've noticed them get stuck when they spawn, on the side of whatever garage-like structure they had just spawned out of, and sometimes they would get stuck on the supports of the covered market when trying to avoid each other. Finally, they are perfect for testing, but, and this is personal preference, I really don't like the silhouetted NPCs. I'd rather have a single textured NPC model than any number of differently-shaped silhouettes.


I have to agree with coffe12 on every account here. I think the worse part about silhouette NPCs is the fact they aren't shaded like everything else. They stand out way too much. In fact, something that would definitely help make big maps work better is cranking the ambiant lighting way down and adding light sources, specifically to make NPCs harder to spot. There's a lot of different ways light could affect gameplay, and it certainly would help with immersion. You'd be harder to spot when in the dark, and it'd be much more embarrassing to be spotted while standing naked under a streetlight. Now that I've actually had a chance to actually "play" on the map, I also think what is missing from it are obvious hiding spots. Lights are one way to solve this, but I'm sure there's other things to think about. In the previous map, if an NPC walked around a corner right in front of me, it was easy to quickly hide behind a fence or behind buildings where nobody came. I had so many close calls! With this many NPCs and without an easy way to tell apart the safe spots from the well-travelled routes, I can't see myself enjoying "streaking" there. But I can't wait to experiment with a "get dressed" or "locked out" mode, I feel like crowded map where people are almost certain to see you would make those modes exciting.


I see a lot of people complaining about the AI and their Models. Neither of these things are finalized, they were added simply to operate as a way to measure hidden spaces and reacting to people suddenly appearing while you're streaking. That being said, the AI does tend toward the center of the map, which isn't exactly ideal, even for a test. I did have a few surprise encounters which resulted in being unable to do anything to avoid detection or even make a swift escape. Areas around the corners of buildings are extremely dangerous as a result, having some hiding space, or opening up visibility around building corners would help alleviate the issue.


Building off of the hiding spots and light idea, being able to crouch behind objects and decorations in the environment would be a good way to help the player stay undetected. You could also have it so. that the player is harder to detect when they are crouched and/or in a dark area. I think this would also help the game feel a little more like a stealth game.


The npcs do feel a bit dense, like theres always gonna be someone just around the corner. the numbers might be fine, but i wonder if you could...clump them a bit? like do some npcs walking in smaller groups, like a pair or trio walking back from a bar. Also having them pause for a few moments in certain points might make planning a dash a bit easier. like theyre stopping at a vending machine and turned to the wall, and you have a few moments to run across where they were going to pass


I like DominoPivot and Matt's ideas. Having people in groups and perhaps with more obvious destinations like a restaurant or an office as well as having it be darker but with streetlights and light on storefronts where you're more visible. I thought the map did feel very uniform and hard to navigate through and I think having a portion of the map being higher up like with the Neighborhood map would really help with that. Also, having an option between silhouettes and textured models in the game would be cool, since some prefer the shadows you've mentioned and others, like myself, prefer textured models.


I am unsure if the silhouettes are permanent, but I will say they make it difficult to tell which way someone's facing. Layout wise it seems okay, but less diverse. Whereas the neighborhood had distinctive areas, this is more a maze of twisty-turny corners, all alike. Which isn't by definition a bad thing. To be clear, I think this is churning out okay, and if dressed up it'd be fine. Mostly the troubles are visual. (Also, in one case, a pedestrian glitched into a wall and couldn't get out. lol Sadly, I lost my screenshot of it.)


I feel like the roadside edges of the map should be better defined, rather than just being an invisible wall. Railings or bollards at the edge of those sidewalks would better indicate that "yes, this is a map border". Personally I'd hope to see more back alleys, right now I feel like large swaths of the map are basically off limits in any sort of undress, not so as much due to the volume of NPCs, but due to the fact that there's no safe places. That said, a change in NPC behavior would also be a welcome sight. I agree with much of what the other comments are saying in this regard, having warnings that NPCs are about to leave a building (perhaps a light that shines in front of the door?), as well as occasional visitors to the back alleys (especially if more alleys were added so there were more escape routes in such an event).


I'm not a fan of the silhouette idea. I think it makes the game feel artificial. Other than that, I think NPC behavior improvements would be a welcome change. Reacting differently, chasing the player, taking pictures, etc. I also think the NPCs detection range is too low. They should detect you much faster, especially if you're completely undressed. That being said, the number of NPCs in this build is too high. If their detection were better it would be unplayable. It's already a bit difficult with how many there are. I liked the small town feel of the other city. It was realistic that not too many people would be out at night, but again, the people would barely ever detect you unless you were right on top of them. I hope the old town doesn't go away. I know you mentioned Rika getting a friend, maybe her friend lives in the city, so that way you could travel between the two? I'd also love to see implementation of the story mode. Having actual progressively harder missions or dares would be great. I know there's been talk of moving from getting those from an online board to her friend, but I think it'd be good for replayability after the story is over to be able to have repeat dares available online too. One last thing, and then I promise I'll stop ranting. It'd be nice for Rika to have more flashing animations. Currently she can only lift her shirt or open the towel. It'd be nice to be able to lift up her sundress or skirt too. And maybe an option to carry the blindfold with you too so you don't have to wear it the whole time to go somewhere and can put it on once you got to a location you wanted to reach. Anyway, great potential so far, can't wait to see where this game goes.


I like the idea a lot. Can't wait to see this get polished up, one thing that I would like to see is just a better way to detect NPCs even if its just subtle footsteps. If I'm hiding in an alley, I want to just play with how far i can get into touching myself before I determine I should get out of there. I love the strategy aspect of this game as well as it being a game about one of my fantasys lmao. Not on the build in particular but having a scoring system that rewards you for how close you are to getting caught or how "guilty" you seem after you get yourself dressed before someone notices your naughty antics is something i could look forward too. Excited for more of the game!