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This is the first release of the new city environment as mentioned in the previous post. This release is a stripped down version of the game intended for rapid play-testing to gather feedback of the new environment. Your feedback is critical to developing the level.

This release introduces the new environment for you to roam around in. The only thing you can do at the moment is run around. The purpose of this build is to gather initial thoughts on the level design: Is the level too big? Too small? Too dark? Too bright? Confusing? Does it feel right? I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Please post your feedback either in the comment section below or on the Discord server.

Additional Notes

  • This release is compressed using 7zip, which you can download for free. This was necessary to keep the build within Patreon's attachment limit.
  • The only way to quit is with Alt+F4.
  • The developer console is included in this build and is enabled by default. Press F1 to open and close it.
  • The time of day can be adjusted through the developer console. Type in "time.now = 14.5" (without the quotes) to set it to 2:30 PM. The number at the right is the hour of the day. Alternatively, you can use the fields time.hour and time.minute to adjust the hour of the day and minute of the hour respectively. Try adjusting the time of day to see how the environment feels at different times of day.
  • Time can be paused by setting "time.paused = true" and unpaused with "time.paused = false".
  • The rate of time can be changed with "time.cycle_length", which represents the amount of real-life minutes for a full 24-hour cycle. By default, this field is set to 90 minutes for these builds. 


LazyLexy 212

So when I first spawned in, I was worried that this "city" was nothing more than a shanty town, but after taking some time to explore, I realised that I had merely spawned in a run down back alley inside the city. Once I explored the entire map, I was able to memorize landmarks and unique locations that could help me determine my whereabouts if my character was blindfolded. But a lot of the back alleys felt a little too similar (which they would if it were a real city), but a fire hydrant here or a graffiti tag there would easily fix that. Just looking for a clarification on this, but I'm assuming the invisible walls preventing me from crossing the road are intentional? The only issues I came across, were certain staircases that couldn't be climbed because of headroom, and one staircase that had an invisible barrier. I did have pictures for this, but I have no idea how to upload them. Other than that, this map seems fine by me. Maybe a crossable bridge or two going over the roads just to add the element of elevation to the map would bee a good idea. This could also be achieved with some fire exit stairwells on the sides of the buildings with catwalks between buildings that allow you to walk above the back alleys (this would also allow the possibility for the citizens to get some "up-skirt" views if they see her walking above them). One other thought that I had, in the previous level, I used the open garages to remove my character's clothes, as this seemed the most private place, and memorable place to do it. Because every time I left them in someone's back garden, I could rarely ever find them again. With this being a city based level, I figured there could be a few open public toilets where I could leave her clothes while she runs naked through the streets. In terms of making the game more interactive and immersive, I figure this would be a good idea.


For stealth games specifically, it's a good idea to have safe areas for players to hide. for example the first map has four safe areas where the Ai never walk, the "park" area to the south east, behind the building to the east, the far wall on the east side, and the whole area behind the buildings on the north east, and I don't mean the ones on the upper level. For the city map there are, as far as I can see without AI walking around, very few of these safe spaces, and almost no elevation to take advantage of. Whilst this does not diminish the design of the map, I would assume a more populous place would be harder to hide in, there isn't much that really stands out.


Overall the map is pretty good. There are a couple things though that i came across. A few doors around the map are way too small and make Rika look huge. I also came across a few stairways, that seem to be the same prefab, that i couldnt climb because of height issues. I know this is just a test at the moment but a couple suggestions i would make is to add some decorations on the streets and alleyways such as cars, benches, streetlights, trashcans as the streets feel pretty empty. I also think a cool addition would be something like a convenience store, an interior that Rika could enter that would make sense in this setting and time.


Hello. I'm Japanese and I was surprised new town map very looks alike real Japanese cityscape. In addition to what the comment above says, it's good to add decorations like 電柱(denchuu, utility poles), 歩道橋(hodoukyou, pedestrian bridges), and 道路標識(douro-hyoushiki, road signs). You may can see how these things like in Japan if google in those Japanese words. Speaking of gameplay, I thought it's little bit too bright and birds are noisy in daytime(I don't know if this game is supposed to be played in daytime). It's rare to hear birds crying noisy in urban areas in Japan like that. It might be good to add sounds like car traffic noise instead. Nighttime will be more atmospheric if it's little more dark, but it might loss comfortness in gameplay. So it's cool if we can edit the brightness in option. Sorry for my awkward English. Thank You.


You can go out in the daytime, I'm not sure if they are going to eventually add a lewdness (hentai) meter to allow the MC to be bolder and bolder or not, but a brightness meter is not a bad option, in my opinion. Anyway, I found your text to be very understandable.


Well, Freelancer 212 covered most of the main points that I feel like I've got anything to say about, so as not to pointlessly reiterate, I'm going to give my opinion on the map in relation to theirs. 1) I don't fully agree with the idea that there are sufficiently memorable landmarks in the map right now. The shaded (market?) area, the traditional houses mini-district and the corner and the two ends of the large road that borders the map on two sides have potential to serve as landmarks for the player to orient themselves, but require some pimping out. A couple of lights, billboards, vending machines or other props used exclusively in each of these areas should do the trick. Aside from that, maybe replace some irrelevant building with a small playground/community park and add one other landmark and that should be plenty enough. 2) The invisible wall stopping you from accessing the large road should be pushed back to the other side of the road, unless you plan to simulate car traffic through there or have other plans regarding it, in which case all I can do is wait and see. 3) The staircases that lack headroom are annoying, easiest fix would be to fence the staircase part of the prefab alone and add a gate with a padlock or something. 4) Not sure where a footbridge would fit on this map, but fire exit stairwells might be a good idea to add some verticality. 5) Finally, on a more original note, I feel like you are aware of this, but I'm going to mention it anyway, the map needs a bunch more decorations as it feels pretty empty right now. I'm not qualified to tell you what types of props might or might not fit in a Japanese town, but if anything, I think a few parked cars and some vans you can hide behind would be nice. Also, while the game takes place at night, a few, ideally dynamic, light sources dotted around the map would add a lot to the mood, but I'm not sure how easy that would be to implement at this stage. 6) Anyway, in terms of general level design, I'd say this map is actually really good. The only thing I can think about is to open up some more the sides of the map bordered by the larger road so as to create some sense of progression as the number of safe spots decreases from one corner of the map to the other. If you pushed the invisible wall past the road, that would achieve almost the same effect though.

LazyLexy 212

The foot bridge would probably work more if the main road intersections were crossable.


The feedback so far has been great! I've been reading all your comments and it's given me a great picture of how to improve it. Your comments are very important! I'm hoping to have a new version later this week that includes NPCs walking around to make the world feel more alive, along with test the streaking mechanics with crowds. - Jaguar


The new area is a major upgrade to the old, the combination of roads with alleyways makes for classic embarrassing scenarios. I like how some buildings have square sections cut out from the corners that only provide a hiding place from one side, and that the alleyways are various from long to short, some with hiding spots to some with no hiding spots, and some alleyways are dead ends. This provides an ambiguous feeling that at any moment you could be face to face with an npc with no where to hide, or if an npc followed you down an alley only to find you'll have to run back past them because you hit a dead end. I hope to see more things like this such as bridges or open stairways. One thing is that with the size of the map it seems easy to get lost and have no sense of direction because most everything looks the same, this will make it hard to get back inside before sunrise or complete missions within the time aloted, not to mention if you're playing get dressed and/or blindfolded. It would be great if there were more unique landmarks and if the buildings had more some variety in appearance.


I like the new area a lot, only thing is that it's maby easy to get lost, if there was something like a mini map where safe house is marked on, could also be in handy for missions like go from A to B or collect outfit A here and so on. but like it is going now this is an A+ game.
