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Hey everyone! So, bit of a shake-up this week. Our lead artist, Sweez, will be stepping down from the project. His work schedule was getting a bit too hectic, so after a bit of a talk, we thought it'd be better if we took this off his plate so that he could focus more on his personal work. Sweez is and will always be a great friend of mine, and sad as I admittedly might be not to continue working with him on it, I'm eternally grateful for the work he's done. We would not have gotten this far without Sweez, and his designs will still be an integral part of this game's success. Thank you so much, Sweez.

Sweez will finish up this month's supporter comic and pin up (which are very good, I assure you, please look forward to them), but will be off the project afterwards. Please support Sweez in his future endeavors! We will still be working on Erotech together on Slipshine, so you can continue looking forward to that as well.

As for the future of MNL and it's art direction, you won't have to worry or even wait. When the time came to seek out a potential new art director, I knew exactly who to reach out to. Someone who's been part of our community since the beginning. Someone who has filled our discord with beautiful, adorable, super sexy art that I know would fit the vibe of MNL perfectly. Someone who shares the same excitement and enthusiasm for this game's nudism and exhibitionism themes as the rest of us have. Someone who I thought might just be thrilled to be offered the chance to join it... so imagine my relief and excitement when they immediately said yes.

Welcome to the team, Anne!


Anne (or imanne_ if you're a member of our discord) will be our new lead artist and art director for My Naked Life!

Anne's been a member of our lil' community since 2023 and first popped up on my radar with this beloved piece of fan art that hasn't left my head since I saw it.

With their vibrant colors, adorable art, extremely cool use of screentones and their infectuous enthusiasm for cute characters getting ~naked~, I knew Anne would be a perfect pick for our little game project. They will be helming everything art-related from here on out, including in-game art and UI, promotional materials, and character designs!

This is the first time Anne has participated in a project like this, much like this is the first time any of us have ever worked on a game of this scope before. We're all newcomers to this, learning and growing with each step as we evolve into something great. I couldn't be more excited to see where we go from here, and I hope you are, too!

That'll be it for today, though. I wanted to just focus on this since it's a pretty big shake-up. Next week, we'll have a more gameplay-focused report. See you then!


Stoker Bramwell

Ohhh I love their art style! This is gonna be good 💜