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Hey there, nudies! Sorry for the wait on this one. Been a busy week, as it usually is! But this time was a little different, as we've been prototyping a new mechanic for Amber - actions!

Though this is primarily a story-driven point and click adventure game, we wanted the player as Amber to be able to do more than just walk and talk to people. We knew we wanted the player to do more, but we had no idea how to actually convey this in-game. After a lot of design documents and testing, we've got action boxes!

(Note: Mock-up, not an actual in-game screenshot)

These comic-style boxes correlate to Amber's base stats - Athleticism, Mentality, Boldness, Exhibitionism, and Randiness. By clicking on the Amber button at the bottom left of the screen, you'll pop up little boxes around Amber herself that allow you to select an action for Amber to perform based on what you've unlocked. For example, this "Think" action you see in the .gif above will give Amber a little internal dialogue reminding herself (and you) what thing you should focus on next to continue the story. Stretch, as you see in the mock-up, would have Amber limber up on the spot. Masturbate will have you, of course, let Amber masturbate wherever she is - even in the middle of town, if her stats are high enough! You can even select the arrow icon to scroll through additional options related to those stats. If you're feeling more like an exhibitionist, you can have Amber strike a pose, or have some fun fondling herself! We have a number of different actions planned (a reasonable amount, I promise you in case you're worried about feature creep) and I can't wait to show more!

There's an additional element to these actions as well, but that will have to be saved for the next update... But until then, thank you all so much for your support! See you next week with more!




It's always great to have a helpful hint to remind what to do next and you made it part of Amber's daily life, love it

Double Deadline

These updates so brighten my day whenever they show up. So much love, y'all ♥️