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Here's a quick video answering a couple of your questions! Thanks for supporting the DTR!


Zak George

I'm taking some questions from my patrons on patreon! http://www.patreon.com/zakgeorge



Is there a secret to watching these videos? Would love to get the bonus videos but they're not playing when I click on them.


If you're getting a blue screen, try clicking on the blue 'post' link at the top left of the video. It'll likely take you to the Facebook video directly.


Hi Zak! I have a 10 month old australian shepherd puppy, everything was good and out of sudden he started to chew everything about a month ago. Our footwear, magazines, toys, even if it is on the bedside table and not easy to reach. I've tried to give him treats every time he chews his toys. He does no mistakes when I am at home just when I leave he does this. I leave him lots of toys, staff kongs, spend his energy before leaving by playing tag or war, fetch. I've lost my hope, maybe you have some possible explanation on his change and advise what else I can try. I will appreciate your help very much. I don't want to give up on him. Thanks for your time in advance.