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Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you for another awesome month on Patreon! Here’s an exclusive video about a question I get pretty often here on Patreon! Got any more questions for me? Post them in the comments and maybe I'll answer them in a future video!


Patreon Exclusive! If your dog is playing too rough, what do you do?



Separation anxiety alleviation. Kai hates his crate (though he'll enter it on command most times. He doesn't like being shut in it (even though I've worked up his time in it slowly, given him loads of treats there and only let him play with his toys in there (and keep his bed in there). He's gone in there to chill on his own a couple of times, put would rather chill at my feet on a blanket. I can't play fetch with him outside because he's too distracted. He won't walk without pulling so I can't exercise him enough and he has immense separation anxiety, so leaving him alone in the house is worse as he will destroy the place and probably even chew up wires.


Dogs that just keep barking the whole time we are walking!