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I'm workin hard in the background getting ready for the next comic, "Roses for Avalon". I'm integrating more and more 3D stuff into my comics to try and get more out of my time. Even as simple reference, it's very useful 

Here's the white box of the city Ephalia, where Roshim is from

And here's a fully rigged 3D model of Roshim, sans clothes and hair and important other parts. He's for my references! I'm doing one of Avalon later 

Anyway I don't know if this post is super interesting to y'all but I want to offer sneak peeks into my process 




I think it’s awesome that you’re integrating 3D into the process. While time consuming up front to make those it’s fantastic to have them as reference or however else they are used.


The post is indeed super interesting.

Mr. Morebucks

I like the city, but the spire feels a little 'too' tall. Other than that, I'm loving the 3-d artwork! Keep it up!


keep posting this like this! it’s really cool


I can’t wait to read this masterpiece 😗


Oh, wow! I didn't know you could load in custom rigged characters to CSP. Where did you learn to do this? If there's a tutorial series or something you followed, I'd love a link. :D


Nah I just built a rig based on the dev instructions for character rigging using clip studio modeler! Then the software lets you use standard bone mapping