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Not great, not terrible



Gamalier Hernandez-Perez

You can Hear the disappointed father voice. But on the up side, there was no fighting.


Oh thank God I can unclench, stand back this one's gonna be a doozy

Something Cat

I feel he is less disappointed, or even shocked but for some odd reason I see more of a widower/divorsee who saw something that reminded him of a happier time. But that's just me, could also just be the lack of coffee

Danny Tran

It's time to come to grips with it Mr. Green!! 😤

Caelan Whitecolt

I actually feel bad for Mr Green here. He is put in an impossible situation, no choice he makes is going to be the right one. Support his son and his position at the University is in jeopardy, perhaps even his own faith. Punish Willy by expelling him and he's going to hurt his own son. How do you make the right choice in a situation like this? Context is everything. Mr Green doesn't strike me as a bad man, but a man faced with a decision that has no easy answer.


Your expressions can be so striking. There's a lot happening on the fathers face in his last panel.

Mr. Morebucks

I love the expression. It's like he's not even registering Willy's comments so much as just transfixed on his son's necklace. The shock. The sadness. The dourness. Seriously, this is amazing work.