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Not great, not terrible




Mr. Green coming around for his son? 🤔 I can only imagine how things wouldve gone if Cody hadn't given him the cross.. Also Willy's response was so mature and understanding of someone who thinks you're literally corrupting their child to hell. God bless 🥹


He knows he could ruin his relationship with his son


Very proud of Willy. Against all odds, he still fought for himself and the things he loves. He also is allowing himself to say that he is himself. I think my favorite aspect of Willy is seeing him grow to accept himself. Of course, more work is to be done for him, it's clear he's taking Cody's words to heart and learning from them.


If Green had laid a finger on Willie, his receptionist would have heard, and even if she hadn't, there would be no hiding the violence as an injured Willie was taken to the hospital. Again. There is nobody on earth who would believe that Willie started a fight against someone so much physically larger and politically powerful. Even the slightest publicity, and Green goes down, if for no other reason than scandal and the university jettisoning him as a liability. Long term, the power here is Willie's.


I've been on the edge of my seat for a while. Not at all what I expected but happy with it


i love the perspective seitch where mr green is almost the same size as willy

pj wolf

Let's have a round of applause for Willy. He stood up to Mr. Green, and -- with an assist from the keepsake Cody gave him -- for his and Cody's relationship. He's a talker (until he isn't) so it would have been very in character for him to keep going after he's already won, nervousness or not. And in so doing, he brought Mr. Green down from an angry God to merely a confused man. As for Mr. Green, clearly he has a lot to think about.


Willy acquiescing like this is another just huge show of his character development, a long way from him head butting that wolf guy in the first few pages. Also you did an amazing job with Cody's dad, you can read the thoughts going through his mind on his face and its great. That cross was almost like a reality check for him, he was sure that Willy was some kind of demon tainting his son. But that cross was like a cold bucket of water making him realize what it really is. Also im sorry but is that shame on Mr.Green's face in the last panel?

Rikki Chadwick

🥺🥺🥺🖤too real. ‘I wish i was so u could be happy for him. But im not im just me’ yeah that hit hard


The reason he let him go so quick is because he’s gay too, and it resonated with him 😁👍