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Cody has a big think about why Willy is the way he is



haughty garbage

Such big hands on small shoulders


Willy hates feeling inferior — because of his stature, because of his sexuality — and so he goes out of his way to be the loudest, the most unyielding, the aggressor. Because it makes him feel strong. At the same time, his background comes with a certain self-hatred. He hates himself for being smaller, weaker, gayer, and he feels he should be punished for it. So he is the loudest, the most unyielding, the aggressor. Because the loss of control reminds him he needs to be “better.” Cody embodies everything Willy wants and he doesn’t quite know how to reconcile that. *doffs his psychiatrist hat*


You crafted this complex character and I love you for it.


He wants the world to not see his true self. He wants to hide it behind this tough, forceful façade and it shows in droves. But deep down, he knows who he is and doesn’t love himself for it. He has very strong self-love issues, and puts it on other people, especially those closest to him. The problem stems from his parents more than likely. Or the system that he was raised in (i.e Catholic Church) that shuns and shames acts they don’t necessarily understand or WANT to understand. I’m sure his lash outs and bluntness was taught as well from his parents too.


Love the stern, frustrated look on Cody there.


He is young and smart. He knows he is right, most of the time, so he just blurts things out without paying attention to *how* they are being said. He hasn't learned that the difference between being hated and being heard is just a matter of picking the right time and right way to say what he thinks. They are both flawed characters, but their strengths & weaknessess compliment each other. If they can work it out they would make a great team. Page 94 & 95 were tough to read. They both did things they should be deeply ashamed of.


It’s not a bad read. Sometimes it’s hard to know if you like a person or if you want to be them


He has a pretty soft face for a big guy but when he gets stern it works good with the character design!


Yeah I wanted to present two characters who have their own baggage and flaws. I don’t think these flaws are uncommon or unrealistic


Oh I agree. It was tough to read because it was so realistic. Your work is light years beyond the usual "Is it true what they say about horses?" "Well, why don't you find out? (plap plap plap..... Ngghh!)" It's what I love about this series.


There's one thing about Willy's character writing that is really good and that's how he's trying to function in the world he's in. He reads like someone trying to cope with anxiety and all the associated mental health baggage that comes with. Everything about him speaks of someone trying desperately to set a safe personal boundary and here comes Cody messing it all up and changing all the rules. Cody doesn't seem to have the same personal experience with mental health to be able to understand what Willy is dealing with but is doing his best to figure it out anyway.


Yep, that’s basically what Willy is: someone who can’t pass as a normal person and how he copes with that