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Jesus was clearly a deer because it allows me to draw more deer and I enjoy the "crown of thorns" pun that only exists in my head.



Doomspud Roflcopter

God damn that goat has no right to look so cute when he's mad...


"You're right, pastor. Hopefully nobody else feels the need to call me names so that this doesn't happen again." Lol I wish I had the balls to say this growing up, let alone show a pastor my stuff 💀 P.S. Willy= Good boy


I loved the Jesus!!!!

Diego P

Jesse! NOOOOOOO!!!

pj wolf

*sigh* Sign of the times, I guess, that the second question asked of Willy is "Did you provoke him".


I wanna say Lamb of god but deer fits sooo much better


It’s hard to stand up to authority! Although in Willy’s case here it’s probably cynicism