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Whooaaaa boys she's back and she brought company! Someone's going to get MADE UP!

One thing that I'll be juggling in the following pages: I want it to be clear that Aaron isn't just attracted to Jesse for the way that he looks, but obviously Jesse knows Aaron likes a more feminine look. Heck, the comic opened with the long hair thing!

So, despite Jesse wanting to let things go between them, he's also a little aware that being more feminine makes him more attractive to Aaron... so he might let things go further than he should...




I have said it once! I'll say it again! I LOVE Cassie! I like that she seems genuinely happy to see Jesse and compliment him on his new look! Gays and Gals supporting each other!


Ummm my spider Sense tells me mabe he should be careful going somewhere else with Cassie alone, with her friend, not saying that she's the kind of person that would cut his hair off.......but😒


Omg.... I cant wait to see it. And you know he won't be able to keep the boys off him.


🥰 Again can't wait! Also, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Yuletide, Happy Ramadan, Happy Tree Festival and Merry "fucking" Festival of the Ass. (Sorry if I missed any..) I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and that we can all come outta this "shit hole" of a year and look forward to something positive in 2021. Love y'all and thank you Purple for keeping 'spirits' up 😏🤤 Keep being fabulous. 🥳🥳


💅🏼 uff, girltalk ✨ hope they don’t be mean with him 🙈