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Aw looks like Jesse is willing to let things go. Or is he??




Damn, props to Jesse. My emotions definitely don't chill so easily lol


Props to the J Man for handling that as well as he did...and recognizing things for what they are. Aaron is what Aaron is...Jesse can give the Big Zeeb some space. It seems he can see where Aaron sees him differently than the other girls who just fawn at him like things. But...this is not the last time we see Aaron and Jesse together...for sure. As always, AMAZING work Falcon...you big sexy Purple Bird Stud you! <3

Isaac Salazar

Am i the only one tht thinks jessie should b hit on by a party goer making aaron jealous😗

Monsieur Foxy

He's just so freakin' TANKED.... Like Jesus.... He could breed his own damn ARMY, NAVY, and poooossssiblyyy his own airforce on top of it.