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Welcome to 2024! Hope you all had a good time celebrating the new year.

Apologies for the prolonged delay in putting together this MTB feedback. All our focus has been on the Karl Marx vs Henry Ford battle and the upcoming Godzilla vs King Kong video. 

But EpicLLOYD has now found time to look at the various ideas selected for feedback. 

You can vote for your personal favourite in the corresponding poll we have just posted on this Patreon page. But, lets see what Lloyd thought about them all...

Sitting Bull vs Malcolm X [Submitted by theformerprez]

I like this one a lot. I’ve wanted to do a Native American character for years and this might be the perfect way to do it. Malcolm X was a controversial social justice activist. I think the fun thing about this matchup is how differently they approached, similar problems. I would really enjoy the research on both these characters. Above and beyond that, I think finding the right people to cast as these characters would be a joy.  Maybe we could find two rappers who some cool connection to the 60s civil rights movement or really intimate knowledge of native American culture.

Wicked Witch of the West vs Mary Poppins [submitted by Dragonsblood23]

This doesn’t excite me too much. Feels like a Princess Rap Battle to me and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve already done it. These characters live in the same filing cabinet imho cos they are from a similar time in movie making history. Visually though I could see this being really interesting and there’s a ton of things that people could relate to, but I think overall it would become a little bit campy and be really hard to escape that pandering feeling.

Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Rocky Balboa [submitted by Primeval]

Rocky Balboa -  I am 100% yes. I’m one of many Italian Americans who watched that movie and felt invigorated like I could punch through a brick wall if I wanted to. Would really want to see a cameo by Apollo Creed. My problem here is I don’t know why he would battle Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maybe I’m missing something here? Obi-Wan Kenobi got ruined for me by the prequel movies, and all the other garbage that Star Wars pumps out in recent years. I’m half in, and half out. Adriaaaaaaanne!!!!

Link vs Cloud Strife [Submitted by MarblePipes, Mat & Pinkflare]

We actually have a demo for this match-up. It was on the table for a little while, and I had to learn a whole bunch about who Cloud Strife was and how final fantasy worked. I even tried to play Final Fantasy for a whole six hour plane ride and it just didn’t work out for me. I don’t know if I have a short attention span or rickety fingers but I just didn't enjoy the game. Link is a little bit closer to my heart cause I played the original Legend Of Zelda when I was younger. I guess I would rather go out and learn how to swing an actual sword than play a video game about it. So video game characters characters are always a pretty tough sell for me. 

Homelander vs Machiavelli [Submitted by Mat & Swan]

This is pretty interesting. I think Machiavelli is one of those characters that’s perfect for Epic Rap Battles of History because most people may have heard of his name but don’t really know much about him. A lesser known character like that, you also have a lot of room to bring the character to life in an ERB. I also like Homelander oddly enough. His character in The Boys was refreshing and the angle that show took on superheroes and the society that they live in was kind of awesome. The idea of power corrupts is awesome. It's an interesting idea.

Daredevil vs Saul Goodman [Submitted by Swan, Charles Turbo Spencer]

I’m seen this pairing suggested before and I'll be honest - I am not super unenthused about this matchup. Although I think Pete does like it if I recall correctly. I would tell you how I really feel about it, but I think I would get in trouble and I would definitely need a really good lawyer! 

Ronald Reagan vs Franklin D. Roosevelt [submitted by Polo & Sam-Rog]

I kind of love this. Pretty much anything with American presidents is always going to get me interested. They’re sort of like the fingerprints of each generations story. Both of these guys were their parties darlings. Charisma was a big part of what made both of these men work. If both of these men lived at the same time they would probably be voting the same way on most things. But that’s just how time works and I think that could be a fun angle about this battle. 

Remember to vote for your favorite idea here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/95810622


Here are a few extra thoughts from our manager HeadMonk...

I've always wanted to feature a Native American character in ERB. I just haven't loved the matchups that crop up for them. Overall, I think I prefer Sitting Bull vs Ramesses II cos I'd love a pharaoh in ERB too. But no matter whom, we should get Sitting Bull in a battle one day.

I feel Homelander needs a big name opponent. Someone as fierce / powerful as him - if not in actual powers, in their historical impact. That said Machiavelli is obviously a solid concept in terms of an opponent. It works. It just doesn't thrill me.

I've actually came round to digging the idea of Daredevil vs Saul Goodman. I just think trying to write Saul Goodman lines would be difficult, but also pretty fun!


The end of this round of MTB, means a new round of MTB begins!!

The theme this time around is "Out Of This World". 

Basically we are looking for ideas that feature one or two characters from the realm of "science fiction". Whether they be authors or superhero's or creatures or anything in-between.

You can of course always ignore the theme completely if you prefer. But, when selecting the match-ups for feedback we will select 2 or more suggestions that suit the theme.

Same rules apply. Seven match-ups in total will be selected. A maximum of three suggestions per person. You can post them in the comments below, email them to erbpatreon@gmail.com or post them on the ERB Discord server in the dedicated '#make-this-battle' channel.

Deadline for submissions is... 5pm PT on Friday 26th January.

Talk soon! -HM



Zevex - Donald

Late but… Gus Fring vs Carmine Falcone? Am I crazy for thinking of that matchup??


Peter Quill (Star Lord) vs Fox McCloud (Star Fox)


Cruella De Vil vs Liz Carmichael

Brian S

Buzz Aldrin vs Buzz Lightyear. The toy is named after the man and they are a little similar but it seems to me there is so much content to explore. Aldrin being regarded as an old school grumpy dude and punching out the conspiracy guy years ago, lightyears hero and dad complexes. Fake moon landings, fake toys, etc. I could see lightyear closing with something about suicides that happened in Aldrins family in a completely mean and horrible manner and reveal that he was aligned with Zurg the whole time....

Brian S

Dr. Dick Solomon (3rd Rock) vs Roger (American Dad) vs Evie Ethel Garland (out of this world). too on the nose?