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Yesterday we held a chat session over in the ERB discord server. EpicLLOYD spent over an hour chatting with patrons and I just wanted to write a quick recap for those of you who were unable to be there live. So, here goes...

Lloyd kicked things off by saying Christmas had been enjoyable and his best present was a writing tablet he had received from his wife. Various patrons stated what gifts they had received and the topic moved on to Lego as numerous patrons loved Lego sets or wanted to own certain Lego sets in the future. 

This conversation led to Lloyd wondering what matchup should we do if we ever did another animated Lego ERB video in the future. Homer The Poet vs Homer Simpson or Spider-Man vs Peter Pan were two strong suggestions that cropped up. Lloyd liked both matchup ideas but felt he wanted to explore Homer vs Homer more, so we will be opening up a writing channel on the Discord server for that matchup later today. The amount of cameos you could have from various Simpsons characters was exciting to Lloyd. 

Lloyd moved on to mention a live show the guys are performing in San Francisco on Sunday January 28th. (we are hoping to do a few more live shows in 2024 too!) He's been planning the set list and it'll obviously be full of hit ERB songs but he wanted to try to come up with a segment where there is a mash up of various ERB entrance's e.g. Sean Connery's ERB verse.

"Imagine a DJ scratching little pieces of each beat and then as the next character comes in they say their lead in line like...Psst...what about a flute busting Prussian". Patrons discussed which potential characters could be good to include in the mash up and we settled on a list of Frederick the Great, Michael Bay, Austin Powers, Rambo, Beethoven & James Bond.

The chat session went on to discuss the current state of Godzilla vs King Kong and Tom Cruise vs Evel Knievel. Lloyd stated that "everything is moving forwards with Godzilla vs Kong". (We are aiming to have it ready in early 2024) ... whilst Evel Knievel vs Tom Cruise is "at that phase where we've got a ton of demos and as soon as that final writing phase locks in, shooting will come together quickly. And the Evel Knievel suit fits Lloyd amazingly! Lloyd has never felt so badass!".

Lloyd moved on to answering various random questions that patrons had...

One patron asked about Lloyd's thoughts on H.P. Lovecraft winning the most recent poll on the ERB YouTube community page. Lloyd said he was "surprised by the result but that he enjoys being surprised. He was delighted that there's a large following for an older, more historic character. Sci-Fi is kind of the YouTube language though I will say". If we featured Lovecraft in a future ERB, Lloyd still isn't sure which opponent he would face.

Another patron asked "if White Death vs Red Baron is coming after Cruise vs Knievel or has that conversation not happened yet?". Lloyd stated "that would be my choice at this time yes. Not 100% of course but I'd go that way." Another patron queried Lloyd's thoughts on Taylor Swift (after Peter recently said he wasn't keen on her for ERB in 2024). Lloyd said "I think she's huge and rad and really hard working and talented and still super relevant and arguably a bigger pop star than Michael Jackson. Deserves a battle."

A patron said "Smosh are doing a new show called Flashback where they revisit their old videos and have guests on their show who have collaborated with them in the past - would Lloyd be up for appearing on the show?". Lloyd said "of course. We love those dudes.

Another patron asked "Where specifically in the progress are you at for Godzilla vs Kong?"  Lloyd said "I'll be honest with you...i have no freaking clue. Those folks are so above my paygrade on the post production stuff I almost love not knowing how that magic works. I'll say this, it's close but not quite there. It's nothing huge, just a ton of little details now. Water splashes and explosions and stuff".

As a final question a patron asked "what are your current thoughts on doing an election battle in 2024? Lloyd stated "urgh. I don't wanna think about it. It's like a lose lose sometimes. If you do it you have to suffer through the whole process at times. If you don't you look like you're scared. I'd vote, do it."

On that note Lloyd ended the chat session saying "you rule! Happy holidays and love to all you and your families. See you in 2024!!!"

Thank you to everyone who took part in the chat. Hope this recap helped those that were not there.




I think a Lego Simpsons battle would be amazing. Homer vs Homer sounds fine. I’m not sure who else Homer Simpson would go up against that would be good for a Lego battle. I love the idea!


HP Lovecraft vs. Hans Christian Anderson


im have a rap battle channel where im doing greg heffley vs mr game and watch. what are your thoughts on the matchup.