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Our #makethisbattle process has been on hiatus this year, but we are bringing it back and we'll be running monthly rounds between now and the end of the year.

For this first new round the theme is "The Real Deal". Very simply we are just looking for matchup ideas that feature two real life characters, rather than fictional ones.

All patrons are invited to submit three different match-up ideas each. No more than three! You can post them in the comments below, email them to erbpatreon@gmail.com or post them on the ERB Discord server in the dedicated '#makethisbattle' channel.

A total of five match-ups will be selected for feedback from Peter or Lloyd. We will post up the feedback next month, alongside a poll for all patrons to vote on. We'll also publish a poll over on our YouTube community page to see what the wider fanbase think about them all.

The matchup that receives the highest number of votes will also appear in a future batch of matchup reaction short videos when we film them. 

In December we will select our favourite overall match-up idea that has previously been submitted and one patron will win a prize from ERB. (Note: if multiple patron submitted the same idea then we shall select the recipient at random from those names that made the submission)

If you haven't checked out the ERB2 reaction shorts yet - you can find them here:


Deadline for submissions for this first round of MTB is... 5pm PT on Monday 4th September.




Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget Vs Hooded Claw from The Perils of Penelope Pitstop


Andrew Jackson vs John Paul Jones