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Earlier this week Peter and Lloyd hosted a live stream for patrons. You can watch a replay of it now over at:


Below is a recap of the key information which was discussed. Sorry for the technical difficulties at the start of the stream. We had updated the streaming software this week and the update caused problems we hadn't expected. Huge thanks to everyone who tuned in live.

Lloyd kicked things off by confirming there would be a new Patreon quiz coming soon - there will be multiple prizes on offer including a main prize of the actual bicycle helmet which was used in the Tony Hawk battle. He also confirmed that we will also be relaunching the "Make This Battle" process in early August, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

A patron named Dragonsblood asked "is it likely that the Godzilla or Marx battles will be released in October or earlier?". Lloyd said he wasn't sure which battle would drop first or exactly when it would be. There are a lot of moving parts - we just hope to get those battles out once they are ready.

A patron named Marble Pipe asked "is it time for Barbie in ERB?". Lloyd said he didn't imagine bringing back Oppenheimer to battle Barbie but the Oppenheimer role is one of his favourite portrayals Peter has ever done in a rap battle. Lloyd didn't seem keen on Barbie being in an ERB. (Maybe the new film will change his mind!)

A follow up question asked Lloyd "what is your opinion on Musk's twitter"? Lloyd said he's not ever been a fan of twitter. And the idea of Musk renaming the company to just X is hilarious to him. But the whole media frenzy does open up the possibility of maybe one day doing an ERB sequel to Musk vs Zuckerberg.

On the topic of potential sequels to previous battles, patrons suggested a bunch of possible ideas: Seuss vs Shakespeare, Directors Royale 2, Lennon vs O'Reilly, Goku vs Superman, Trump vs Biden, Deadpool vs Boba Fett, Batman vs Sherlock Holmes.

We moved on to discuss the possibility of featuring another Anime character in a future ERB. Peter suggested the matchup of Sailor Moon vs Naruto but patrons weren't keen on the idea. The idea of Sailor Moon facing Popeye or Neil Armstrong was also brought up.

Lloyd and Peter then discussed the recent live performance in Chicago they did at Anime Midwest. Peter said for the first time in a long time  he is making rap battles, spending time with his family and actually feeling happy with the balance. The last domino to fall for Pete was doing the live performance and he feels more like himself. He was scared before going on stage and stamina was an issue but it was a beautiful experience. Peter said he can't wait to perform live again.

The guys moved on to discuss the matchup of Evel Knievel vs Tom Cruise which we've been contemplating making into a full ERB video. Peter said he'd ideally like to make it as soon as possible. They have two demo verses written and they feel a lot of the material is solid enough to use, but he would want to add a third verse.

Peter said this is the first time in the history of ERB that we have had two battles in the can. They have a first video edit of Ford vs Marx and Godzilla vs Kong is in good shape. Lloyd added that there it was fun to work on the Knievel lyrics in a lighter way, to the laborious writing on the other two battles. Lloyd is gonna record an audio track of him rapping lyric submissions from patrons for that battle.

Peter went on to say Ryan Moulton (who edited the Austin Powers ERB verses) was brought back to direct the Ford vs Marx shoot and it really worked well and they will be bringing him back to direct Cruise vs Knievel too. At this stage it is planned that Peter will portray Tom Cruise and Lloyd will be Evel Knievel but it isn't fully decided. Peter is interested in using AI technology to synthesise a fake Cruise voice for rapping.

A patron named GlenOck then asked "what the guys thought about timing the release of ERB's around certain events / films etc?". Peter said with the current strikes in Hollywood it is difficult to really think about planning like that. Lloyd added he thought the days of organising a release date like this is not really something we are interested in these days.

A patron named Spoiler asked "if ERB did another sports themed character which sports do you feel compelled to use?". Lloyd said soccer is the obvious one. Lloyd immediately thought of Lionel Messi but unfortunately he is very bland as a character. Tiger Woods and Serena Williams were other suggestions.

A patron named Daniel Morales asked "which person would you most like to work with as a guest rapper?". Pete said Terry Crews. He met him once and he was a great guy and he regrets not offering him a role in ERB. Lloyd said he still really wants to work with Wayne Brady.

A patron named Cid asked "when do you think Ford vs Marx will be released and could Musk vs Zuckerberg be a good sequel battle?". Peter said he's not sure which battle will come out first (Godzilla or Marx). They were open to the idea of a Musk vs Zuck sequel but we generally always prefer to do new characters.

A patron named ZodiacKieran asked "what are the chances of bringing back regular ERB uploads in 2024 and beyond?". Lloyd wasn't sure what amount would be deemed "regular". He said YouTube has changed and our business has changed. He doesn't want to rush battles. He only wants to put out great stuff. He's enjoyed doing the little matchup reaction videos. He enjoyed doing the studio teaching class. He wouldn't want to do six battles in a year and for three of them to be mediocre.

A patron named The Captain asked "will we get to see some photos from the Marx vs Ford shoot?". Lloyd said he would try to find a few photos suitable to put up on the Patreon page soon.

At that point the stream concluded. Thank you again for everyone who joined live. I hope this recap was useful to some of you. Remember you can watch a full video replay of the live stream on Patreon. Just head over to this post:


Talk soon folks - HM



Evan Kerr

I think a really cool Patreon thing to do would be release 2-3 demos of each battle as it develops if you still have the files. I love hearing the development


If you a Directors Battle 2 is made, I think it should be James Cameron vs Martin Scorsese, interrupted by Christopher Nolan, Wes Anderson, and Zack Snyder.