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Hola patrons! Hope you are all happy and doing as well as can be. 

First off I'd like to confirm there will be a live stream with Peter & Lloyd on Tuesday 28th March at 1pm PT {Los Angeles]. We will post a link to the stream on this Patreon page about 20+ minutes before it begins. If you can't tune in live, then you can always watch a replay of it at your leisure.

Secondly I just want to run through a few quick updates about what the guys have been up to recently.

The "Karl Marx vs Henry Ford" match-up has remained the primary focus. We've now got the costumes 90% sorted, the actual backgrounds remain a work in process but the writing has developed very well. There may be some lyric tweaks made but we think the writing is now pretty much complete. We will be be recording the audio in April and once the music & vocals are all sorted we will seek to lock in a shoot date for that battle.

In terms of "Godzilla vs King Kong" the guys went back and made some changes to the lyrics and those are now 100% complete. Peter & Lloyd have have been recording the vocals for the two characters. Its taken a number of sessions to get those vocals in a place we are happy with. (See below an image from ProTools of Godzilla Verse 3) Peter is currently putting together an audio mix that will be good enough to be able for them to start working with the motion capture equipment.

Peter, Lloyd and Zach have also been meeting up to start working on ideas for a couple of other potential matchups. "Red Baron vs White Death" remains high in our thoughts for the future and it's one we have continued to research and develop lyrics for. 

Lloyd is also very keen on the pairing of "Conan O'Brien vs Conan The Barbarian" but Peter is not yet fully convinced about the idea. But he's agreed to do some research and writing; then reassess whether its something they want to actually develop. Life's all about compromise!

Finally, we have started filming a few things for potential use online for the wider ERB audience. We will let you know once we have a better idea of a timeframe for those to be released.

That's all for for now folks. 

Hopefully see some of you at the live stream on Tuesday! Talk soon!

- HM




Red Baron vs White Death is amazing. WW2 battle as well


I like Conan v. Conan, but I do feel a late night talk show battle royale would eventually at some point be more worthwhile a use of his likeness.