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Hola patrons! As we near the end of January, I just wanted to give you all an update as to where we stand with all things ERB. (I'll be aiming to post this sort of update at least once per month as we progress through 2023)

Last month myself (HeadMonk) and Peter & Lloyd discussed potential ways we could work on battles in 2023, so it was more efficient. Rather than work on one match-up at a time, we have decided to work on a number of matchup ideas, slowly without pressure of deadlines, with the aim to be more productive as we move along.

Peter has said "I'm avoiding hard deadlines like the plague. Just trying to keep everything moving forward every single day. It's much more "I spent 8 hours trying to make a (Godzilla) elbow wiggle" than we show in the behind the scenes videos."

For those unaware or new to the Patreon, "Godzilla vs Kong Kong" is one matchup that has been fully written. The work on the animation for that battle continues. Its just gonna be a very, very slow process, as we get to grips with the Unreal Engine software and the motion capture equipment. 

We also have "Karl Marx vs Henry Ford" as a primary focus right now. Peter and Lloyd have been researching, writing and demoing ideas all month for it and we are happy with the progress being made.

Other match-ups which we currently have in mind are "Red Baron vs White Death", "Taylor Swift vs Johnny Cash" and "Vincent Van Gogh vs Andy Warhol". As ever its possible other match-up ideas may come into the mix.

Peter actually opened a channel on the ERB Discord server (called #Pete_Updates) where he could drop in, discuss ideas with patrons and offer up updates. Then place the channel on slow-mo mode so it doesn't get clogged with chatter. 

This was initially done as a trial to see if that process could work and be beneficial, and so far Peter feels it been a success so will continue. But, we know many of you aren't on Discord so I just wanted to review some of the key things that Peter has brought up over the last few weeks.


"We've been able to nail down a perfect model for the Godzilla character. It's Heisei era look. The model has awesome texture, great expression in the face. unfortunately it is not properly "rigged" for motion capture in Unreal Engine. So, I tried to learn how to do that, reached out for some advice, and I'm just out of my depth."

"Got some very promising leads though. A 3D model artist has accepted the gig of rigging up the Godzilla model, he seems confident he can rig the body, with tail movement, and add what's called "ArKit blendshapes" to the face."

"For the Godzilla voice I am using an harmonizer and subsynth. They add some crazy sounds on top and on bottom of the voice, so it sounds really big and weird but still clear."

"I finally got Godzilla imported into Unreal, got his arms to move, did NOT get him to breakdance yet. Thought I solved it, but back to drawing board on that."


"The Henry Ford Verse 1 is already demoed - but needs a new closing line. The beat is arranged for Marx, then some quick back and forth, then I have the basic bones of Henry Ford Verse 2.

"We've done some writing sessions with Zach which always churns up interesting verbiage. I am swimming in Marxist theories right now, which has never been a subject I studied, or cared much about to be honest. But it feels like it needs to be pretty deeply understood to not mess it up."

Peter shared a potential factory type setting he's working on for Henry Ford (see above) with a series of Ford's "Model T" cars in the rear. For Marx we are currently thinking the setting of a pub might work well as contrast. (see below)

Peter found a video about Capitalism vs Socialism very useful for research. If you are interested check it out over at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJQSuUZdcV4

A patron also suggested we check out a video about what it was like to work at Ford back in the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjH4pCatx0I

Peter said "That video is dark, but illuminating. I'll sum up my favorite part. The guy talks about waiting five months outside the Ford plant, hoping to get a job because they pay so much better than any other factory job. Two days in to the job, he realizes he's only doing one tiny motion over and over again for 8 hours a day, and says "I waited 5 months for this?". It's pretty grim."

"Marx vs Ford is definitely moving forwards but I don't think it will come out soon. But it's the first through the new pipeline, so I imagine everything will have some delay, mixing, filming, etc. But the plan is, by the time it's uploaded, there's already one not far behind it that's fully or part written / edited."

"I think the only thing that's truly safe to assume is that we are working on making videos that someone can love."


Red Baron vs White Death is high in our thinking right now. We have begun research into the characters, looked at potential backgrounds and outfits and on the  recommendation of a patron called "CrabCakes", Peter has purchased a replica gun that should hopefully be a perfect prop gun for White Death to carry.

A key question Peter had was whether White Death's face should be pre or post face wound? He said "The wound on camera would have many negative impacts to the production - time, cost, performance, editing - all would be impacted."   

One potential background idea for White Death could be this kind of snowy Winter setting - check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gzwn5h2BGY


1) "Taylor Swift vs Johnny Cash" remains in the research phase. But we are developing a custom beat which we think would work best for this pairing. Peter has been listening to "hundreds and hundreds of loops". In terms of casting an actress to portray Taylor Swift no decision has been made. Peter said "... to me, the look is 10%, the energy is 40%, the work is 50%".

2) "Vincent Van Gogh vs Andy Warhol" is also at the research phase. Peter has considered the idea of perhaps approaching YouTuber "JacksFilms" to see if he'd be up for portraying Warhol. Developing the right backgrounds would be crucial to the video. Peter likes the look of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWCponhcSao

3) "Ulysses S. Grant vs Ho Chi Minh" is a match-up idea we have liked for a long time. And Peter thinks it'll happen one day. But it's not currently in development. If it happens Peter is very keen to find a Vietnamese actor to portray Minh. One potential idea is asking "Richie Le" if he's interested. 

Ok, that's about all for now folks. Thank you for being here, supporting us and wanting to see more ERB's in the future. If you have any questions or specific ideas about the battles in development, please drop them in the comments or email: erbpatreon@gmail.com 

- HM



B.M. Deadrock

Link and Zelda vs. Geralt and Ciri

Ben Smith

For the White Death, you could have his face be pre-wound for most of the battle, and then change it to post-wound after the Red Baron shoots him. Simö could then quip back about taking a bullet to the face and surviving, unlike the USSR.

Ben Smith

Actually, you wouldn’t even have to show the wound. You could just wrap up the actors face with medical tape after he gets shot.