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We compiled a new batch of your suggestions and EpicLloyd has been writing up feedback for seven of the ideas. Let's see what he thought of them...

Jesse Owens vs Usain Bolt [submitted by DragonsBlood23]

There's so much great history within both of these men. I could see there being a killer amount of sweet comedy and rap nuggets in both the Owens and Bolt verses.  Owens was so ground breaking and there was so much going on in the world during the time of his prominence. I was able to see the brilliance of Bolt with my own eyes when he smashed all those records on tv and it was mesmerizing. That said, I think putting these two together in a rap battle would be too similar. I'd be concerned the whole battle would be filled with the same type of track and field jokes. Undoubtedly though if we did something like Bolt versus Sonic, I'd push for an Owens cameo cause that would be awesome.  

Bob Dylan vs Kurt Cobain [submitted by Neo, Lemon & MarblePipes]

This is interesting. I've never been a big Bob Dylan fan...fight me! Just never saw the appeal but if I'm honest I wasn't alive during the time when he broke through so it'd be interesting to put myself in the shoes of young people of that time and really dig into the influence that he had on a whole generation. Cobain in my eyes is a must have at some point in the ERB line. I was 13 when he burst onto the scene and experienced the earth shattering affect he had on the music industry literally overnight. The matchup might not be peeeeerfect, but it's strong and if put on a ballot I'd vote for it. Nice.

Tiger Woods vs Dale Earnhardt [submitted by Cheske & Kevin Liu]

Is the connection here something to do with "drive"? Like Tiger Woods drives a golf ball and Earnhardt drives a car? Tiger Woods...100% So dominant in a sport that was for so long considered a rich white guy's thing. I'm admittedly blind to the popularity of NASCAR and that whole world. I'd prefer to put Woods up against a non-sporting person and open up all the jokes outside of athletics. I guess the same with Earnhardt. I might push for him to be with another tragic hero. Someone outside of sports maybe. Amelia Earhart I always felt was really cool and had tons of connections.  

H.P. Lovecraft vs David Lynch [submitted by PaddyAnarchy]

I can respect these two characters and if we did 20 battles a year I'd be all for it. Spooky monsters and sci-fi type freaky stuff can definitely work in an ERB. Sadly though, both of these guys are a deep cut for sure and I fear that the following wouldn't breakthrough enough to make putting 4-6 months of work into the video. I'm the dirt bag in the crew who often thinks more in a business way and I feel like we'd suffer a massive loss on this one. Sorry dudes. Just not feeling it.

Tyler Durden vs Spartacus [submitted by Fishbulb]

Spartacus is awesome. Maybe even better than Leonidas. Movie jokes. Spartan jokes. Kirk Douglas jokes. Butt chin jokes. Freedom jokes and everything in between.  To that fact, I don't think Tyler Durden holds enough water and legacy to face such a legendary character. I like Fight Club. It's quotable and iconic in it's own right. It's a cool movie and an even better book, but I don't see much exposure to the character outside of those two occurrences.  

Galileo vs Nostradamus [submitted by thomasdpaine]

Very very cool. This is the type of deep cut historic matchup that I think we can spend a lot of time on and really pay off. We can dig into the facts and also the fiction. I don't think it's be a massive hit, but it fits with the ERB genre and I can see it being shown a lot in schools and stuff which is always a fun thing to imagine. They both have great name recognition value and I think people would want to learn more about the history of them both.  

Jim Carrey vs Charlie Chaplin [submitted by Swan]

I think Alex Farnum would be great as Carrey if we did this one. As a massive Jim Carrey fan I'd be keen to incorporate a whole bunch of his characters. It'd be more scary to take on than even Robin Williams was. But Charlie Chaplin, for me, is not the right match. If we got a character most known for silent movies, I say we do the whole thing silent and swing for the fences. I have no idea how we'd do that but I think that'd have to be the deal. I'd love to see both these guys in a battle someday though.


Here are a few extra thoughts from our manager HeadMonk...

First off, I hate the idea of a silent ERB. Sorry Lloyd! It just sounds icky to me. But for what ever reason the idea has stuck around for years. I always hated the idea of Chaplin vs Bean. And its a shame cos Charlie Chaplin probably should have been in an ERB by now. Carrey is a good fit and I think there is a nice contrast both character wise and also visually. I could get behind this idea. And try to persuade Lloyd he is wrong. :)

I also dig Dylan vs Cobain. I was actually a bigger fan of Dylan as a kid, than I was Cobain. But Nirvana were absolutely huge when I was young. They are both musical icons that have undeniably shaped music for decades. I think a B&W Dylan (Subterranean Homesick Blues type vibe) vs a color Cobain (Smells Like Teen Spirit" type background) would look great in an ERB. 


A new round of MTB now begins! The theme this time is "Cartoon & Anime".

We are specifically looking for a few match-ups that feature one or both characters that are cartoon or anime characters. 

You can of course always ignore the theme completely if you prefer. But, when selecting the match-ups for feedback we will select 2 or more suggestions that particularly suit the theme.

Same rules apply. Seven match-ups in total will be selected. A maximum of three suggestions per person. You can post them in the comments below, email them to erbpatreon@gmail.com or post them on the ERB Discord server in the dedicated '#make-this-battle' channel.

Deadline for submissions is... 5pm PT on Friday 14th October.

Look forward to seeing what you all come up with.



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