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Last weekend the ERB crew were in a LA studio filming the next ERB. Exciting times! For those unaware the matchup is "Indiana Jones vs Lara Croft". 

I just wanted to drop you a couple of images from the shoot. We are happy to introduce you to our special guest Croix Provence (see image below) who will be portraying Lara Croft in this ERB. We found her by doing a traditional casting call in Los Angeles, which is something we hadn't done before. She has been super great to work with. 

Playing Indiana Jones we have a very familiar face - yes Nice Peter will be Indy! He bought a home gym (even used it once or twice) and grew out his hair in order to try to become a bit more Harrison Ford like. But the leather jacket and hat do all the real heavy lifting. :)

We are aiming to be able to upload the final video some time in late October. Over the coming weeks Pete, Javi and Ross will be cooking up backgrounds and assembling the footage. We've actually started work on the backgrounds prior to the shoot and all the separate elements are looking great.

Thank you for your patience this year. We appreciate its been a long wait for these new battles. After this first battle releases we are planning on getting "Godzilla vs King Kong" finished so that we can upload that one sometime in Nov/Dec. 

After that we'll enjoy Xmas then start thinking about a third battle which is slated to be "Karl Marx vs Henry Ford". It's pretty heavy research material but it'll be nice to sink our teeth into something historical after a run of fictional characters. 

Anyhow, hope you enjoyed seeing this sneak peak into the recent shoot. 

Talk soon. HM



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