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Hope you're all having a good weekend. :) 

EPICLLOYD has been looking through the most recent round of match-up selections for MakeThisBattle. Here are his thoughts on seven of them. Remember to vote for your favorite in the separate poll we have just posted up. Let's see what he had to say...

Neo vs Alan Turing [submitted by Swan]

We obviously have just done John Wick, so I think the probability of doing this match-up any time soon is unlikely. Disregarding that, when I saw the list of matchups this round this popped out as the best of the bunch. I like the deciphering code connection. That's pretty cool. Neo is an amazing character. The first Matrix is an amazing movie and the visuals and references would all be pretty rad. I also like Turing. I hadn't known much about him but I have seen the recent movie about him and I think the WWII history and info would make for a really cool battle.

Light Yagami vs Judge Dredd [submitted by Regal]

I haven't yet watched Death Note, so on the surface this match-up is difficult for me to fully grasp. But I'm aware its a very popular anime and the fact Light can kill people just by writing down their name is pretty badass! Judge Dredd I'm more familiar with, but on first pass I'd say this match-up might be a little too niche for the general public to enjoy. But there is supposed to be a new Dredd TV show in the works and that could be a game changer in terms of making  this battle happen.

Marie Curie vs Dr Frankenstein [submitted by Vivian, Diaz & PrinceKovu]
I love Marie Curie and think she should make an ERB appearance for sure. I'd look forward to getting to know more about her and I love highlighting woman in the science fields.  Dr. Frankenstein is fun, but c'mon, we got to make the monster the main guy right? I know I know, the doctor created the monster, but I mean c'mon, the doctor is snore. I want to like this matchup but I am struggling. I think I'd rather see the monster rapping. Fight me!

Spock vs Doctor Strange [submitted by Red Claw]

Hmmm. This is interesting. I like Spock a lot. I feel like Pete could crush him on screen and the rapping style would be so neat to bring to life. Dr. Strange is another one of those Marvel characters who benefited a ton from the Avengers appearance and portrayal by Cumberbatch. (Side note: Cumberbatch would be a really funny word to rhyme with lol).  Watching Strange zip around into different realities would fun and I can picture them having a "Beam around' back and forth. 

Louis Pasteur vs Alexander Fleming vs Jonas Salk [submitted by Sean Kennedy]
I dig a scientist or inventor cavalcade and this would make a ton of science teachers smile a lot. But would the general ERB fan really want to see this battle? It just lacks a bit of oomph. I could maybe see this being in a batch of battles, as one we keep clean and classroom friendly. But I think a lot of viewers might need to pop pills to stay awake!

Spider-Man vs Scorpion [submitted by Neo, Regal & Glenock]
Spider-Man 100%. He certainly needs to be in an ERB one day. I don't think the right match-up is Scorpion though. I get it, they're arachnids but that's not enough for me personally. A fighting game representative would be cool one day though. I know we've considered Sub Zero in the past. But for the web slinger I do still like the idea of Peter Pan vs Spider Man much better. 

Bobby Fischer vs Gary Gygax [submitted by Cheske]

This seems very interesting. So much rich history and a super solid niche area that a lot of people might understand, even if they don't too much about the two specific characters. You can make chess jokes all day long and the D&D thing is bright and colorful. I was actually a big Dungeons and Dragons guy for sure and all those monsters and critters would be cool visually. I like this one. 


Our manager HeadMonk offers his thoughts on a few of the ideas...

I think Judge Dredd vs Light Yagami might be the best option for either of these two characters. They both dish out punishment to people they think deserve it. They both fully believe in what they are doing is right. I imagine our costume designer Morgan would love to recreate the Dredd outfit. I've just bought a Judge Dreed book, and I am gonna look into him more. Maybe if Wllly Wonka vs Jigsaw never sees the light of day, Jigsaw could be involved too. It certainly feels like Dredd or Light could work with Jigsaw.

Spock vs Strange makes a lot of sense. As soon as I saw it I loved it. Got a nice ring to it. Spock. Strange. It works. It'd be a cool matchup of intellects. Loads of potential material. I feel like they are two characters we could really bring to life and portray well. Let's see how the new  Dr Strange movie turns out in May. This matchup could maybe grow wings.

Lots of people love Dungeons and Dragons. Decades of history there. Inspirational to a lot of books and tv shows that came after it. But I barely know anything about Gary Gygax as a person. Am I alone? From what I've read about him tonight I can't quite imagine him being  in an ERB. I know we've done Tolkien and Martin but this feels trickier and just less fun somehow. Maybe I under appreciate his potental. I do like the overall Chess vs DnD angle. It's interesting for sure.


Another round of MTB begins now...

The theme for this new round is "Characters perfect for Peter vs Lloyd"

This year quite a few match-ups that we are toying with making, may not be perfect for casting Peter and Lloyd in the roles. So, for this round of MTB I want to try to concentrate on some ideas that you think would be a superb fit for Peter and Lloyd to portray. 

You can of course always ignore the theme completely if you prefer.

But, when selecting the match-ups for feedback we will select 2 or more suggestions that particularly suit the theme.

Same rules apply. Seven match-ups in total will be selected. Three suggestions per person. You can post them in the comments below, email them to erbpatreon@gmail.com or post them on the Discord server in the dedicated '#make-this-battle' channel.

Deadline for submissions is... 5pm PT on Thursday 3rd March.



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