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This week Peter & Lloyd held the first Discord Chat session of 2022. This post is just to recap what was discussed for those of you who couldn't join us live. Remember: if you want to join the ERB Discord server you can find out how to do so here.


Lloyd kicked off the session by saying "Just wanna say hi to all the new folks we have who signed up over the holiday. Welcome!!!  And also thanks to all of you who are still here. It's good to see you."

The first topic discussed was superstar American football Quarterback Tom Brady - who has just retired this week from the NFL after 22 seasons and a record breaking seven Superbowl wins. It's hard to imagine any player ever matching his achievements in NFL.

Peter wondered if this is now the right time for us to consider him for an ERB. The general consensus of patrons was it's a perfect time and the favoured match-up was for him to face the legendary Argentinian soccer player Diego Maradona.

This particular match-up has been one that has been around for a while. Maradona is seen as one of the greatest players of all time and he had a career that was full of highs on the pitch punctuated with lots of crazy antics off the pitch. He offers a nice contrast to Brady's more clean cut image. 

We decided that we are gonna open a new writing room for the matchup. It isn't gonna be a battle we start work on immediately but we think it's one that could be good for late 2022 or early 2023. So, let's see what lyrics you can all come up with and we'll see what happens.

The new writing room has just opened on the Discord server. The specific channel is called #fauna-spoiler and you are all welcome to submit lyric ideas for the Brady vs Maradona matchup in that channel. Look forward to seeing what ideas you come up with it. :)

The second topic discussed was an idea Lloyd had to do a new Flash In The Pan battle. He suggested we could consider doing Joe Rogan vs Neil Young. The pair have been in the press in the last week over a dispute over Rogan's podcast which Young felt had been spreading mis-information about Covid. Young pulled all his music off Spotify and other artists have also been supporting his decision. 

Patrons had mixed feelings about the potential of the match-up. Some found it a fun idea, others thought it had limited shelf life. A number of lyric ideas were quickly tossed around including a sweet line from patron FoxDoc: "Your two bit stunt doesn’t have panache, Spotify’s better without you, like Crosby, Stills and Nash"

Ultimately after debating the pros and cons of the match-up it was felt the turnaround time would be too much of a challenge, and the real life feud may not last much longer. We would like to do more FITP battles one day though but the focus remains on the main rap battles.

We moved on and Peter stated he had found a very old demo from Watsky of the Edgar Allen Poe verse. He shared it with patrons on the server. I'll post the mp3 file up on Patreon sometime this week, so everyone else can have a listen.

Peter went on to mention Godzilla vs King Kong which is a battle we have been toying around with for some time. Lloyd developed a demo for Kong last year and Peter stated that he had recently been researching and writing some lyrics for Godzilla.

Lloyd feels that this big monster pairing is pretty much evergreen so it could be released anytime in the future. It would be an animated battle so at the moment we are thinking of writing and recording it in the next month or two, so it can then be handed over to an animator - as we do expect the animation process will take a long time.

Peter changed topic and asked patrons to name one matchup they don't see suggested much but they love, and also one matchup they see suggested a lot that they hate. Various matchups were submitted by patrons for each category. 

One particular matchup that Peter said he'd seen recently that he liked initially but now hated was "Winnie the Pooh vs Atilla the Hun". He also stated he hated the pretty popular matchup of "David Bowie vs Prince" too. 

Lloyd said the matchup of "Link vs Cloud Strife" has always baffled him. He added "I wish they would make one of those "fantasies" the final one!" He also said that one idea he actually really loves is "Sub Zero vs Elsa", but Peter was rather lukewarm about that pairing.

Pete went on to bring up "Lara Croft vs Indiana Jones" which is a matchup we have been contemplating for years. It's always felt like the matchup that is most likely to happen in terms of getting a video game character involved in battle.

But, at the moment Peter still feels its more likely to happen as an ERB in 2023, which is when the next Indiana Jones movie will be released. But we might change our minds. Let's face it - we often do. ;)

Switching topics Peter said we would be looking aggressively for new beats in the next couple of weeks; so if any patron has any recommendations for producers or beats we should check out please post them in the #beats-and-casting channel on Discord.

At that point the session ended and Peter & Lloyd thanked everyone for attending.


For 2022 we decided to simplify the Patreon down to one single $5 tier in order to make it cheaper for all patrons to support us. It's reduced our revenue and will make things a little harder, but we hope it makes up for the fact we intend to spend more time researching, writing, recording and video editing each battle. We don't wish to rush the process. Reminder: if you haven't yet switched tiers to the new $5 one please do so soon.

Right now, it's likely "Godzilla vs King Kong" will be the main battle we concentrate on, in order to be able to start the animation process sooner rather than later. Two other matchups we are contemplating are "Taylor Swift vs Johnny Cash" and "Karl Marx vs Henry Ford". But, no firm decision has been made yet; and behind the scenes we are discussing various other ideas besides those mentioned.

Thank you all for being here and supporting us. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at erbpatreon@gmail.com or send a Discord message to "HeadMonk".

Hope this recap was helpful for those of you couldn't join us live for the chat session. We will let you know on this Patreon page when the next chat session or live stream will take place, so keep your eyes peeled for that announcement. Talk soon! - HM



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