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In the last ERB quiz one bonus prize was for one patron to pick ANY match-up of their own choosing to receive feedback from Peter, Lloyd and HeadMonk. That lucky patron was called Lemon and they chose...Adam Sandler vs Charlie Chaplin

So, let's see what the guys thought of the idea! (I also thought it'd be nice to see what all patrons thought about the match-up idea too. Please vote in the poll)

Lloyd: "I love Sandler. He's a powerhouse and all in all underrated actor. I think he'd be funny in a battle. I can picture it being a lot like that SNL sketch where everyone does their own little impression of Sandler and his characters. Not sure how it would go in a match up against the silent movie king. I always figured Charlie Chaplin vs Mr. Bean would be the play if we went that route somehow. All in all two great characters. But, I'm just not sure if they would be the right choice to match against one another."

Peter: "At first glance, this matchup did not appeal to me. I think I have some bias against Adam Sandler. Once I let that go, and looked at it a little more objectively, I think this is actually a pretty solid idea. Adam Sandler is obviously a huge name, he has tons of material and references to pull from, and big punch line quotes from every generation of movies. He also has a lot of things you can make fun of. Charlie Chaplin - equally big name, perhaps less known about him by most people, but that only creates more opportunities to illuminate some history. The more I write about this matchup, the more I like it. Well done. It's a new one on my radar."

HeadMonk: "For some reason I used to hate Sandler. I dunno if I just saw all the wrong movies or what. I just found him super annoying more than anything. Over time I've seen more of his films and my dislike for him has calmed down. He will never be someone I love as he'll always be a poor mans Jim Carrey imho. But either Sandler or Carrey could be an interesting challenge for us to portray in an ERB. I think Chaplin should have been in an ERB by now. It's kind of ridiculous he hasn't. I think the talk of a potential Mr Bean match-up has kinda weighed Chaplin down for years. Mr Bean isn't even someone I want to see in an ERB. But, Chaplin is certainly a big, big yes from me."

Now, let us know what you think by voting! :)


Terry Brennan

Spiderman vs. Danny phantom

Samuel Miller

I don’t feel it would be a fair match for Adam Sandler. But I wouldn’t mind seeing either of them in the rap battles soon to come.