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Hola patrons!

We can now announce the winners of the most recent quiz!!

Lots of prize winners for this bumper quiz so let's get right down to it...

The overall highest scorer was... Clue. He wins an autographed mini African instrument from Bezos vs Musa plus the "Zippo" lighter from Wick vs Rambo vs McClane plus an autographed ERB postcard. Well done sir.

In second place was Zachary Shaffer who will receive Wick's "Gold Coin" from Rambo vs Wick vs McClane plus an ERB pin badge and ERB wristband and ERB face-mask.

In third place was Magn2138 who wins a Lego figurine that appeared in the Potter vs Skywalker video plus an autographed ERB postcard.

In fourth place was JessicaRose who wins a 5+ minute personal phone call from Epic Lloyd plus a Season 6 CD, ERB pin badge and face-mask. [As the highest finishing Director patron she also wins an autographed mini African instrument that appeared in Bezos vs Musa plus a watch from Wick vs Rambo plus an autographed ERB postcard]

In fifth place was Slavic927 who will win the chance to select 7 match-up ideas for a poll on the Patreon page for all patrons to vote on.

In sixth place was Lemon who will win the chance to submit one match-up idea and receive feedback on it from Peter, Lloyd and HeadMonk.

Three entrants picked at random will each receive an ERB pin badge, face-mask and wrist-band. Those lucky three people are... CooperTaunt, Foxdoc and Jason Ramsey.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the holiday period the prizes will only be shipped in January.

Well done to everyone who won something and commiserations to everyone else who took part. We will have a new quiz for you very soon.

Here are all the correct answers...

1) Pound for pound which of these creatures is stronger? A: Dung Beetle. [They can pull up to 1,141 times their own body weight. Equivalent to a human pulling six double decker buses full of people]

2) Statistically are there more left handed people or more ginger haired people in the population? A: Left Handed. [Around 10% of the population are left-handed. Only 2% of the population have ginger hair]

3) If the Earth was the size of a peppercorn, would the sun be the size of a tennis ball or a bowling ball? A: Bowling Ball. [The sun is roughly 109 times wider than the diameter of the Earth]

4) Are Hyenas more closely related to dogs or cats? A: Cats. [Hyenas and Cats are part of the Suborder Feliformia and share a more recent common ancestor]

5) In the worlds strongest whirlpool, what speed does the water run at? A: 25 mph. [It's located in Norway. Over a period of 6 hours nearly 500,000 litres of water pass through it]

6) Which of these numerals came first - Arabic or Roman? A: Roman Numerals. [They were invented in 800 BCE. Whilst Arabic numerals were invented in the 6th century]

7) Which of these people won a Nobel Peace prize first - Mother Teresa or Martin Luther King Jr? A: Martin Luther King Jr. [He won his prize in 1964. Whilst Mother Teresa received hers in 1979]

8) Which invention came first - Telephone or Electric Lighting? A: Telephone. [It was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. Whilst Electric Lighting was invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison]

9) Which of these religions was founded first - Sikhism or Buddhism? A: Buddhism. [It was founded in the 5th Century. Whilst Sikhism was founded much later in the 16th Century]

10) Which of these cites was founded first - Dublin or Baghdad? A: Baghdad. [It was founded in 762 CE by the Abbasid Arab Caliphate. Whilst Dublin was founded in 841 CE by the Vikings]

11) In what century was paper currency first used instead of coins? A: 10th Century. [In 910 China had a shortage of copper and could not mint coins so it tried paper money]

12) How many people are estimated to have been sacrificed each year in the Aztec Empire? A: 80,000 or more. [When a new temple was dedicated in 1487, an estimated 80,400 were sacrificed. It is possible 200,000 could have been sacrificed at times]

13) Whale vomit is often used in the creation of which product? A: Perfume. [Whale vomit helps to make scents last longer. A 80kg piece of whale vomit costs about £2.2m]

14) In what decade did the French guillotine execute its last victim? A: 1970's. [The last person was executed in 1977]

15) How many times has Pluto orbited the sun since it was first discovered in 1930? A: Zero. [It takes 248 years for Pluto to make one orbit of the sun. It will happen next in 2178]

16) What is the actual width of a lightening bolt? A: 2-3 cm. [While lightening bolts can appear to be thick bolts, they are actually quite small in width]

17) Which of these people lived the longest? A: John F. Kennedy. [He was 46 years old when he was assassinated. Alexander The Great died aged about 32. Monroe was 36. Martin Luther King was 39]

18) How many crew members on the ill fated voyage of the Titanic were women? A: 23. [There were 885 crew members but only 23 of them were women]

19) What percentage of the worlds population did Genghis Khan kill whilst in power? A: 10%. [Yes 10%!! Brutal or what]

20) The longest year in history lasted for how many days? A: 445. [In 46 BCE nicknamed "The Year Of Confusion" Julius Caesar added two months to make his Julian calendar match up with the seasonal year]

21) Many bank on me day to day. But for all that I do, people often give me away. I'm there if you're feeling blue or raging with anger. I'm commonly found in Shakespeare and I've even been in one holy book. A part of me thinks I would be useless in a gun, but sci-fi films think otherwise. I guess they look on my positive side. I just go with the flow. What am I? A: Blood [More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day in the USA alone. Just 1 donation can save up to 3 lives. Human blood is red because of the protein haemoglobin. The bluish color of veins is only an optical illusion. Blue light does not penetrate as far into tissue as red light. Emotions like anger make stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, speed up your heart rate and breathing. You get a burst of energy. Your blood vessels tighten. Your blood pressure soars. The word "blood" Is mentioned 109 Times in Macbeth and it is a common word found throughout the works of Shakespeare. Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein supposedly commissioned a copy of the Qur'an, the Islamic holy book, to be written in his blood. He reportedly donated 27 litres for the project. Blood would be useless in a gun but in a lot of sci-fi films there are 'plasma' guns. The main role of plasma in blood is to take nutrients, hormones, and proteins to the parts of the body that need it. Around 30% of donors have A positive blood, making it the second most common blood type after O positive (36%). The 5 quarts of blood an adult male continually flows at an average speed of 3 to 4 mph.. That's fast enough so that a drug injected into an arm reaches the brain in only a few seconds]

22) I gave Peter 20 seconds to name an opponent to face Vladimir Putin if he returned in a future ERB? Who did he say? A: Bernie Sanders

23) I gave Lloyd 20 seconds to name an opponent to face Genghis Khan if he returned in a future ERB? Who did he say? A: Elmo

24) I gave Peter a list of famous world leaders that haven't yet featured in an ERB - which did he say he would MOST like to see? A: Nelson Mandela

25) I gave Lloyd four film & tv characters that haven't yet featured in an ERB - which did he say he would MOST like to see? A: Forrest Gump

26) What number between 1 and 1000 do you think is hidden in the image below? A: 473


Thank you for everyone who took part. We'll have a new quiz coming soon. :)




I am quite satisfied with my result. Thanks, fellas! I am currently not sure where I am to submit, or when I am expected to, at least. I would guess that I will be directly contacted via email or Discord DM in regards to submitting it when the time comes. Would I be correct in this assumption?


Oh this made my year when I saw the results. ^_^ I'm very excited about my prizes!! I did a screenshot and showed it off to my friends and my mom. LOL This is so kickass. Thanks guys. You are my favorites.