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Happy November folks! The ERB crew continue to work on editing the upcoming ERB due for release later this month. Huzzah! And this coming weekend they are filming a second battle - that actually won a previous #MakeThisBattle poll. This whole process has been so great for sifting through all kinds of matchups. So, thank you for taking part!

EpicLLOYD is in the hot seat this month. Let's see what he thought of your ideas!


Idi Amin vs Macbeth [submitted by TheFormerPrez & Neo]

I think this would be really hard to make funny. Not sure what the difference between Amin and any of the other awful people that we have portrayed is, but there's just something about that type of genocide that makes my skin crawl. Also, I gotta be honest the idea of Macbeth in ERB is sorta boring to me. Sorrrrrryyyy. :/

Henry Ford vs Greta Thunberg [submitted by Raymansito]

Hmm... what's happening here? Henry Ford is a must at some time for sure. Just the "automobile" angle is really fun. Greta Thunberg has a bit more living to do before she's making the ERB list for me. I applaud her efforts and all the exposure she has brought to the climate change conversation, and especially with the young people of the world. However, I'm not quite sure her life's work will be 100% in that direction. We'll see, I guess.

Andrew Jackson vs Atilla the Hun [submitted by MarblePipes, Regal FoxDoc, & Lemon]

This has potential. Good name recognition and the connection between the men is pretty clear. That said, again, I find it really hard to find the motivation to wanna write verses for people like Andrew Jackson these days. There's just not a lot of humor in rapping about how a person led a nation by wreaking havoc on the indigenous people of our country. Just feels in bad taste a little. The match-up works though and for some reason, Atilla feels more workable, maybe because he lived so long ago, or cos I'm ignorant to the actual details of how good or bad he really was.

Daenerys Targaryen vs Qin Shi Huang [submitted by DragonsBlood23 & J-Star]

I like this a lot! Chinese history is something we really have not delved into very much and is packed with fertile material. I'd love to learn more about Qin Shi and I bet we'd find that many other people would be interested or appreciative of the spotlight being shone on folks from farther East. Daenerys would bring the clicks and I think add familiarity to the jokes so people could have a good laugh and enjoy the visuals. Yup, yup. I like this one.

John F. Kennedy vs King Tut [submitted by Blaisesanti]

I really want to do JFK and I also really want to do King Tut, but I don't think this match-up makes much sense.  I get they are both young rulers who died before they reached a very ripe age, but inside a video and a song I can't see this giving anybody goose-bumps. It's obviously got great name recognition with these two characters. But as a rap battle match-up it just falls flat imo.

Shaggy Rogers vs Hercule Poirot [submitted by Angemon44 & MarblePipes]

Zoinks, this is a long shot. I mean, I like Belgium as much as the next guy but these two make a pretty goofy pairing. I get the whole solving mysteries angle. But I just can't imagine it working out well. Please don't make me have to dive into months of research on these dudes.

The Addams Family vs The Royal Family [submitted by Dragonsblood23]

This is really interesting. Also SUPER EXPENSIVE!!! I really like the thought of two families going head to head and the characters would be such a great contrast to one another.  We'd have to find which exact members of the royal family we were gonna focus on so that it could be contained sorta like the members of the Adams family. Still funny though.  I think the number of people and the costumes and characters and all that would make it very difficult to land on its feet financially, but we can all have dreams.


Our manager HeadMonk offers a few thoughts.

I do agree with Lloyd that Idi Amin and those kind of brutal, modern dictator types are just not really on the map for ERB in 2021. I actually know someone who's family had to flee Uganda during his reign, so I may have a chat with him about it all. Cos, I'm sure we'll feature a dictator again, but it probably won't be Idi Amin. But never, say never.

Do many people want another ERB based around Game Of Thrones? Daenerys is certainly an interesting character and I think she'd would work out well in an ERB. Lloyd seems interested so that's a start, but I dunno if Pete would fancy revisiting GOT. Matching her with Qin Shi is a decent idea though.

I actually kind of like JFK vs Tut. They are big name characters, who both have lacked a real quality match-up idea. Maybe this is the best way to utilise them both? I'll probably wake up tomorrow hating the idea, but right now I dig it. That said, I still prefer Ramses II over Tut just cos I think there is more story to be told with Ramses. Let's see how this does on the poll.


Time for a new round of MTB!! The theme this time is... "80's & 90's".

Everybody loves retro. We'll be specifically looking for some match-ups where one or both of the characters were big news in the 1980's or 1990's. It could be film, music, gaming, politics, anything and everything that is specific to those two decades.

You can of course always ignore the theme completely if you prefer. But, when selecting the match-ups for feedback we will select 2 or more suggestions that suit the theme.

Same rules apply. Seven match-ups in total will be selected. Three suggestions per person. You can post them in the comments below, email them to erbpatreon@gmail.com or post them on the Discord server in the dedicated '#make-this-battle' channel.

Deadline for submissions is... 5pm PT on Wednesday 17th November.



AJ Quenell

I like that JFK vs Tut feels like a Marilyn vs Cleopatra sequel (which is why I really campaigned for JFK vs Caesar) Also been saying Atilla vs Stonewall for years!


I would love to see Patrick Bateman vs Norman Bates… American Psycho vs Psycho would be great