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Today we are opening a brand new writing channel over on the Discord server. The match-up selected is Jeff Bezos vs Mansa Musa. It's a pairing that's been discussed a lot in the last few weeks. We've looked into various opponents for Amazon honcho Bezos and finally settled on the 14th century African emperor as our favoured option.

We think its an interesting combination that has a lot of potential. And we'd now like to see what all you good folk can come up with in terms of lyric writing. So, if you head over to the Discord server now we have opened a new channel called 'mercury-spoiler'.

As always, creating a channel does not guarantee a battle will definitely happen. It really depends on how our own personal research & writing goes. But, it's an important step and the quality of your lyric submissions can really have a massive effect on our thinking.

Looking forward to what you dream up lyrics wise. :)

Note: If you have any issues accessing the Discord server, our best advice is to go to your Patreon settings and disconnect and then reconnect to the Discord. This usually solves any problems. If not, you can also email us at: erbpatreon@gmail.com



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