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Monster house reference 🔥🔥🔥 monster house mentioned 🔥🔥🔥

Once again I am simply not immune to funny tweets, I will redraw them,, IVE been thinking about how the cupcake gots a uvula since seeing the og tweet, I had the idea already of mimicking the monster house joke, and then someone did the tweet about it SO it all worked out, same brains pff 

Vanessa and Mike totally had this convo, I promise it’s there,,, THIS FEELS like their dynamic so that’s why I had to redraw it. It’s not like Mike doesn’t know what sex is, it’s more like he doesn’t care if that makes any sense 💀💀 he has other important things on the mind 🙏🏾 

Silly lil thing I wanted to redraw, I love and hate the cupcakes weird af mouth, honestly the fnaf movie was huge for any cupcake enjoyers, the cupcake was simply the most aggressive of all the robots, which is so funny 🧁 



Ace Skeletonne

Mike definitely the typa dude to store his pee in bottles when spying on the house across the street


Mike is probably just too damn exhausted at this point to really care about the difference tbh. Just let the man believe it and let him rest