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Hey things maybe kinda wack rn but that doesn’t stop the daily grind 😤😤🔥🔥🔥 BAHAH I’m so glad I’m having a lot of fun with art rn, so it’s something to fall back on while I deal with more stressful minor inconveniences 

Was thinking about how Vanessa from the movies and Micheal from the games, WOULD really get along, so of course I had to draw them like interacting, just a lil bit, siblings across space and time 💜

Honestly this comic is cute to me, these two finally have trauma they can relate to, with their weird af dad, Mike has to watch on, as thy act similar to one another pff silly lil comic, makes me go :)  



Donald Kent

Despite not having played the games or seen the movie, I feel I could hold a conversation about the series from all I have learned about it from your work. Chloe 🤝 Vannessa/Michael Dropping the lore 😤🙏

Foxy Lovehound

Now i wanna see a tired mike with these two in those kid harnesses some parents have