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Hello and welcome to this exciting newest and improved update on Gacha Cummy! Today, we'll be discussing a very important part of our project's party system. The Gear!

No matter how much you improve your party members, you will only be able to bring out the true potential of your characters with the help of the equipable gear. The gear is divided into distinct rarities, with higher rarities resulting in a gear of higher quality. Each gear piece has a unique stat distribution that will provide your characters with much-needed boosts. So it will be up to you and your luck to find that perfect piece of equipment that will push your party members to new heights!

In addition, equipment is split into sets! Sets are very important to the character building process. They will provide bonuses to the character once at least two pieces of the same gear set are equipped on a character. But just having two pieces would only provide half of the set's bonuses. To unlock the full potential of the gear set, you will have to equip all four pieces of gear! Those bonuses differ wildly between each gear set, and will be more appropriate for specific party members. 

There are two ways of acquiring the gear for your characters. The first one, is paying to your lovely angel Aura! But most of the gear she will be providing you with, will be low rarity. The second way might be more enticing for your needs. You will be venturing into missions specifically crafted for gathering equipment! Some of you might be irked by this, but worry not! As our game doesn't have an energy restriction system that will forbid you from repeating the missions in search of the perfect gear piece.

However, there's one type of gear that will be restricted only to our Gacha system. Those are weapons! They will be powerful relics that will apply those finishing touches to your characters to push them over the edge!

In future updates, we are planning on further expanding on the gear system, by adding new sets and pieces of gear, introducing a crafting system that will let you to further improve the gear as well as allowing you to reforge the gear stats! In addition, we are aware that the gear system might be a bit too much to take in at once. Which is why we will be introducing an adventure guide that will explain to you the details of the game's systems!

As of this update, we've told you all about the current core systems of our project that will be in the game upon the initial release. In the following weeks, we will be moving onto posting weekly progress updates!

As always, please feel free to come hang out in the Discord to let us know what you think about the latest update, ask any questions you might have and, stay up to date with future announcements and news: https://discord.gg/PBVx2De



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