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Well, I finally finished Kiara after all this time~ yay me! xD

This was the piece I envisioned of drawing when I set out to draw all 5 of them. I guess it could be seen as an early Inktober challenge of sorts where I try to draw all 5 of them within the month. Did I pass the challenge though hmm... that's debatable I guess. 

I think it was a pretty big personal project now that I think about it. Even if there wasn't any variations, it still took quite a long time to get all five drawn. 

Normally by now I'd be talking something interesting but truth be told, nothing much is coming out of my mind right now hahaha. It's currently filled with what I should explore next in Genshin Impact >.> 

It's almost like she's asking her stream, do you like chicken drumsticks or chicken breasts. 



Luke Benevides

Ame, what are you doing? That's not what magnifying glasses are for lol