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Woah did you miss me? xD

I knew localizing took a while but this took much longer than I'd hoped! Animation is still coming though, Alex has been insanely busy lately, I think he might even be more busy than I am so that's saying something about how it's been for us both. 

So yes, I'm afraid the animation for this one might take a while. Expect it sometime this month though and you guys aren't being charged by Patreon this month as I paused it for a month. 

That said, I think Gumroad reward might also be delayed by a few days... only a few days though! You guys will get it so don't worry~! 

Since I knew the animations will be later than usual, I attempted something I usually don't do with this piece. Bit like a webtoon? style variation though... now that I think about it, it's a little like that old Matou Sakura piece I did months ago but not as text (context/lore) heavy since some weren't a huge fan of it. 

Well, less talk and more lewds! Thank you again for everyone for being very patient with me this month ^^;; 

Here is the Korean Version 

Credit goes to Type9 who localized it into Korean for me.


Here is the Japanese Version 

Credit goes to a certain online friend who localized it into Japanese for me. She doesn't want to be named~! 

That's all for now! Thank you so much for picking Mordred ^^ It's strange saying this but if it wasn't for Mordred who was my very first NSFW commission, I might not have pursued the kind of lifestyle I get to enjoy now. 

Stay awesome everyone and I pray everyone has great time rerolling on Genshin Impact!
I'm on my 6th attempt.... I feel the RNG in this game is worse than FGO... >.>




You'd know i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss you ! :3

Kyo Nanashi

Excellent work Foxy.

