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The age of vtuber... I wonder when it started to really take off. I knew they existed a year or two ago or maybe even longer than that since there was Kizuna Ai who really dominated the market by herself for a time. Maybe I've just never been really interested in all this until this year when I first took notice of Melody after articles about her suddenly exploded on youtube while I was in Taiwan. 

To be perfectly honest though, I haven't really watched them for an extended period of time until very recently when I started to take an interest in the field myself... after seeing a fellow artist BSApricot taking the field and preparing to debut as a Vtuber Artist. (Her debut is set to be in October sometime). 

It's taken some time for me to get into the Vtuber scenes but I finally am understanding why people enjoy the streams. A lot of them are pretty chill streams talking, sometimes about art, sometimes gaming, anime they watched recently yada yada yada~ I think overall, it's not that different from my personal goals of creating a fun little environment for all my friends to chill and relax, make new friends and so on.

And this one is Melody with her new makeover hairstyle~ 

Well, technically it's Melware, her evil twin who is even lewder than Melody.

I've been trying to come out of my shell about using a mic during my streams too. I admit that it's a bit harder for me since speaking isn't really my forte. I used to be one of those students back in class who used to ace the written exams but then when it came to speaking part of exams...well, yeah I didn't do so well. I'm super curious to see how Apricot will do as a Vtuber, Drawing takes a lot of focus most of the time and precision work... speaking and drawing at the same time isn't something I find easily done. I'm taking baby steps for now but my confidence when it comes to speaking and drawing at the same time is at a low for now. But I'll work on it! Practice makes perfect, right? 

Last but not least... I might be making this with Mosobox sometime this year... Expect a news from me and Moso around Novemberish ^^;; 



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